Ex Machina

Directed by : Alex Garland

Written by : Alex Garland

Starring : Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno 

Release Date : January 21, 2015 

There’s a lot of movies about robots and artificial intelligence, and it seems like every angle has already been taken. This one however somehow feels a little bit more fresh, despite the fact that it borrows from many other movies. It works really well because this has so many different subtle commentary seemingly running through every single aspect of the story. Themes about humans and machines, men and women, self preservation and extinction, and so many more topics of discussions that will creep out of this movie.

The direction by Alex Garland is very effective here, and the minimal cast works perfectly well with the premise of the story. Domhnall Gleeson is really good as Caleb, who is our surrogate character whom we get to discover the mysteries surrounding the story with. Oscar Isaac is fantastic as Nathan, this alcoholic and aggressive genius who spouts out some very clever thoughts towards Caleb. Alicia Vikander is the fascinating artificial intelligence robot named Ava, who really brings her character to life phenomenally well. It might be hard not to fall in love with her. 

Although there are some logical plot points that I could nitpick about, it’s really as great a story as any classic science fiction story should be. From the smart dialogue, some really memorable scenes, to the plot revelations, “Ex Machina” is easily a movie I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. This is afterall a movie that wants to make you think about it, and then makes you want to think about it some more.

LOVED IT  enjoyedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Danny Collins

Directed by : Dan Fogelman

Written by : Dan Fogelman (screenplay)

Starring : Al PacinoAnnette Bening, Bobby CannavaleJennifer Garner 

Release Date : March 19, 2015 

This is very loosely based on the true story of British musician Steve Tilston, and the similarities have more to do with the premise about a letter from John Lennon that’s found decades later. The overall plot about an aging rock star who reevaluates his life seems very familiar, and generally predictable. While it doesn’t earn praises for being highly unique, it does deserve a lot of credit for having a heart of a story that’s absolutely in the right place.

A lot of what’s good about this movie is the ensemble cast of characters, but most especially it’s Al Pacino. His role as Danny Collins is done perfectly well, and although he may have some disappointing aspects in his life, the guy is undeniably very likeable. There are many moments where Danny has great interactions with all sorts of characters, especially the ones involving his family, and the hotel manager played by Annette Bening.

There isnt anything visually spectacular or ambitious here, and this could easily just pass as a feel good made for TV movie. One particular standout though is the soundtrack, which consists of many John Lennon songs, as well as a great original piece done for the movie by Ryan Adams called “Don’t Look Down.” “Danny Collins” is a very simple film that doesn’t really bring a lot to the table, but it’s a solid film with a great thematic message that’s worth watching the movie for.

lovedit  ENJOYED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible


Directed by : Levan Gabriadze (Leo Gabriadze)

Written by : Nelson Greaves

Starring : Shelley HennigMoses Jacob StormWill PeltzRenee OlsteadHeather Sossaman 

Release Date : April 17, 2015 

Saw “Unfriended.” This is definitely one of the more unique experiences of a horror movie that I’ve ever seen. The whole film is seen through one of the character’s laptop screen! This isn’t just “video chat the scary film,” it includes other aspects like instant messaging, facebook, youtube, google, etc, and are all done in a very organic way.

While I won’t go so far and say that this is a truly scary movie, it surely got my absolute attention. It’s a very engaging premise and plays off a bit like a suspenseful mystery, with things getting more and more intense with each plot turn. I found myself excitingly anticipating to see what’s going to happen next. Although it can be tiring seeing the skype video get pixelated so many times.

At only being 80 minutes of a run time, Director Levan Gabriadze and the actors did a fantastic job keeping a great momentum throughout. While there are still some questionable logic here, I thought the movie was rather clever in giving out some reasonings to keep the characters and the story believable enough. Although “Unfriended” looks like a cheap idea of a movie, I’m glad to say that I rather enjoyed the whole thing.

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible

While We’re Young

Directed by : Noah Baumbach

Written by : Noah Baumbach

Starring : Ben StillerNaomi WattsAdam DriverAmanda SeyfriedCharles Grodin 

Release Date : March 27, 2015

This movie gives us a contrasting look between the lives of older adults in their 40s and younger adults in their 20s. It’s an arguably cynical look, but it is compelling and entertaining seeing how mundane and structured a set adult life can be, when compared to the youthful and optimistic life of a twenty-something. This is of course the perfect subject for Director/Writer Noah Baumbach.

This movie has an excellent cast. Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried are great playing the young hopeful, full of life, and carefree couple whose lifestyle becomes very contagious to the older adult couple. That older adult couple being Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts who are fantastic and enjoyable to watch, as they try to live that younger lifestyle.

The story does go in different directions though, and it’s not just about the comparisons. There are plot turns that changes the story for the characters, and especially makes things very interesting for Ben Stiller. While I liked this movie, I admit that due to the subject matter of this film, “While We’re Young” may give off two different impressions. Appropriately enough, you may get a different take from it depending on your age.

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Furious 7

Directed by : James Wan

Written by : Chris Morgan 

Starring : Vin DieselPaul WalkerJason StathamMichelle RodriguezTyrese GibsonLudacris 

Release Date : March 26, 2015

The story and plot is pretty thin and generally nonsensical, but then that's not necessarily the main draw to seeing this movie. The cast of characters, the fast cars, the furious action scenes, the cheesy one liners, and Vin Diesel dramatically looking over his shoulder, are what this is all about.

They really went all out with the very fun to watch lengthy stunt action sequences here, from cars parachuting off a plane, to a car crashing through skyscrapers. These are the kinds of action scenes that usually finishes off a final act of a typical B-movie with how outrageous things can get, but this one has so many of them that they cover over half of this single film.

Amid the explosions, gun fires, and fast moving cars, there is still some level of sentimental scenes here involving this family of characters; especially between Dom, Letty, Brian, and Mia. This is also the last installment involving Paul Walker, and there's a very appropriate tribute to him at the end.

"Furious 7" is pure movie escapism, and that's reason enough to watch it.

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

Directed by : David Zellner

Written by : David ZellnerNathan Zellner

Starring : Rinko Kikuchi 

Release Date : February 20, 2015 

This is a very slow burn of a movie that meanders a lot, but it does have some very beautiful visuals to see. The story about a directionless Japanese woman who finds a buried VHS tape of the movie “Fargo” and thinks it will lead to a treasure of richness, is definitely a very fascinating and compelling plot. Rinko Kikuchi as the title character is also phenomenal in this.

There’s a lot of eccentric awkwardness in a lot of the scenes in this movie, that people could think that it’s all enjoyably quirky and entertaining to see. It’s easy to root for Kumiko’s dream in finding the buried bag of money as shown in the Coen Brothers’ film. However, there’s an underlying dark truth to what’s going on with Kumiko, that I actually found the whole experience to be sadly tragic, and got very uncomfortable watching things play out.

Director / Writers David and Nathan Zellner may be making a social commentary about individuals who need to choose between chasing their dreams, or living the mundane but safer realities of life. “Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter” is a very thought provoking film that may just stick with me for a long time, so it’s just unfortunate that I found a lot of this movie to be so very boring to watch.

loveditenjoyedit  IT'S OKAY  itsmehitsterrible

Get Hard

Directed by : Etan Cohen 

Written by : Jay MartelIan Roberts 

Starring : Will FerrellKevin Hart 

Release Date : March 26, 2015 

It’s not the funniest movie around, the story is rather uninspired, and it’s overall pretty stupid. However, the comedic duo of Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart may just be enough reason to check this out. Those two are simply too entertaining together to watch in this.

It’s almost like the plot of this movie doesn’t really matter, because all the scenes Ferrell and Hart are in are like comedy skits that just need to play out. There’s a bit where Kevin Hart acts out different characters in one scenario that I thought was highly enjoyable to see. Of course Will Ferrell acting like an ignorant awkward goofball is always welcome.

There is humor in this that is outrageous, offensive, and definitely pokes fun at racist jokes, but in all honesty it’s the rich white folks that gets the least flattering portrayal here out of everybody. “Get Hard” is not a comedy that everybody should see, but definitely give this a look if you are a fan of Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart.

loveditenjoyedit  IT'S OKAY  itsmehitsterrible

A Girl Like Her

Directed and Written by : Amy S. Weber 

Starring : Lexi AinsworthHunter KingJimmy Bennett 

Release Date : March 27, 2015 

This amateur footage, faux-documentary, after-school special movie isn't perfect by any means. It has awkward camera work, it’s melodramatic at times, is exploitative at it’s worst, and emotionally manipulative at some plot points. Despite all that however, I feel very much compelled to champion it and tell everybody to see this movie about bullying.

It’s easy to do a movie about bullying, but it usually ends up being either sensationalistic enough to distance viewers from it’s message, or is too serious and over the top dramatic that it becomes unrelatable. This movie however kept a good balance to stay in point of it’s very important message, with the strength of it’s cast of young and adult characters, and the very personal touch done by Director/Writer Amy S. Weber.

As the story progressed, I found myself more and more emotionally invested with it’s characters. I particularly like the fact that this movie doesn’t take on a one-sided approach to the subject, and tackled many different point of views. If you’ve ever been a victim of bullying, or have caused distressed by being the bully, or are entering the young age of being a teenager, please see “A Girl Like Her.”

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible

It Follows

Directed and Written by : David Robert Mitchell 

Starring : Maika MonroeKeir Gilchrist 

Release Date : February 4, 2015 

This is one damn creepy movie. Director/Writer David Robert Mitchell created a very suspenseful horror film that kept me on the edge of my seat a lot, and the spooky sound design definitely helped with that. Since the monster in this movie can take the disguise of anybody, and is only visible to it’s target, the movie successfully creates a sense of paranoia and dread. It was easy to get really suspicious of every corner and of every person blended in the background of every scene.

The college aged kids here still did stupid things however, which at times can be frustrating to see, when I think I would have done something better (easier said than done I guess). However, I grew to really like the cast here; led by Maika Monroe who is excellent as Jay Height, that I was easily invested in how they were going to get through this.

Everything about the monster actually makes for great metaphors, and should encourage some subjective opinions about it. That's what's great about this movie, because while there is a familiar nature to it, it does some really clever things visually and story wise that makes it very memorable. If you are a fan of horror, scary movies, slasher flicks, then “It Follows” is not to be missed.

P.S. I should include the fact that there is a decent amount of depictions of sex and nudity here, since the monster is created via sexual intercourse.

LOVED IT  enjoyedititsokayitsmehitsterrible


Directed and Written by : Riley Stearns 

Starring : Leland OrserMary Elizabeth Winstead 

Release Date : March 6, 2015 

This is one odd but dark drama, about Ansel Roth who is an expert on cults and mind-control, and is hired to "deprogram" a member of a cult. The movie starts off like a black comedy, but becomes a deathly serious story that goes in unexpected places.

Leland Orser as Ansel Roth is great to watch as this miserable down on his luck man, who becomes in over his head dealing with this woman from the cult. Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Claire is fantastic as the cult woman who turns out to be more than meets the eye.

Some weird things happen in this movie, and it's easy to question what to believe in. The pacing can be a little slow at times, but the tone and look of the film kept things unnerving enough to keep your full attention. "Faults" unfortunately looks like a very low budget movie and is likely not for everybody to see, but it's got some highly ambitious philosophical ideas that's compelling to think about.

loveditenjoyedit  IT'S OKAY  itsmehitsterrible