

  • The whole premise being in the setting of the coronavirus quarantine lockdown is a nice touch.

  • It captures that familiar zoom group video chat meeting, which adds to the experience.

  • Despite the limitations of the video chat setting, the movie manages to be creative enough to keep it from being just static screens of people looking at the camera.

  • When it gets suspenseful and tense, it gets suspenseful and tense. Fun times.

  • Creepy imagery. Spooky stuff.

  • Effective jump scares.

  • That custom background.

  • Probably the best way for the movie to end.



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Host - watch it on SHUDDER

The Devil All The Time


  • Really captures that Southern feel of small towns, and religion, and simple living, and all those horrible people who take advantage of other people.

  • The whole story feels like this long journey, and I was definitely invested to see where it was going.

  • Part of the premise has this fascinating look into how these people; the good ones and the bad ones, have a connection to Religion. Those cynical about Religion will find things here that they will be nodding their heads in agreement.

  • Fantastic cast of actors here. Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland, Eliza Scanlan, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, Riley Keough, Jason Clarke, Harry Melling, and so many more.

  • I loved the insightful voice over narrations by Donald Ray Pollock; the author of the novel this film is adapting from.

  • There are multiple scenes that really grabs your attention. From the life lesson that Bill Skarsgard teaches his son. The sermons by Rob Pattinson. That tragic situation that happens to Eliza Scanlan. Just about every scene with Tom Holland. Oh, plus “Resurrect!”

  • With a story like what this movie has, it thankfully had a satisfying enough final act and ending.


  • It’s slow. There will be those who will get bored.

  • It’s long. There will be those who won’t have the patience to see this through.

  • It’s filled with unlikeable characters. There will be those who will get frustrated putting up with them.

  • It’s not exactly a happy story. There will be those who won’t put up with how it can get pretty bleak.


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The Devil All The Time - watch it on NETFLIX



  • Out of the very crowded zombie / infected apocalypse genre movies around, this one stands out in the sense that it’s focused more on what “non-hero” characters; like everyday civilians, would probably think and do in this kind of premise.

  • The very human moments are what makes this movie feel relatable, and only makes you invested with what happens even more.

  • There are some lighthearted comedic bits that were pretty amusing.

  • When it comes to this kind of genre movie, there’s a bit of a thrill watching characters make very smart quick decisions in order to survive. That happens multiple times in this movie.

  • Last thirty minutes was as exciting as you expect it to be.

  • Elements of horror befitting this genre are present in this, and produce some good tense scenes.

  • Best argument yet, on why smartphones should not get rid of the 3.5mm headphone jack.


  • You still got to put up with some of the stupid decisions made by the lead character.

  • A couple of plot conveniences and cliches here and there.

  • The locks for the apartment doors are a joke. I mean, seriously?

  • Most unbelievable thing about this movie are the ridiculously long battery life for their smartphones. No way. Not possible.


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#ALIVE - watch it on NETFLIX



  • As far as Road Trip movies goes, it didn’t exactly break the mold, but it was pretty entertaining.

  • The chemistry between Haley Lu Richardson as Veronica and Barbie Ferreira as Bailey is fantastic, and is easily the reason to see this.

  • Barbie Ferreira brings a fun energy to the movie, and the squareness of Haley Lu Richardson’s character is charmingly cute.

  • Supporting cast is good as well, from Alex MacNicoll, Breckin Meyer, Sugar Lyn Beard, Giancarlo Esposito, and more.

  • It is an amusing movie with entertaining comedic bits, like the pawn shop scene, state border crossing secret handshake, aggressive ballerina, and more.

  • Love the pop culture references, from the song picks for the sings along, the Star Trek related jokes, plus that particular Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows question.

  • I like how they integrate all the modern tech services, and social media, into the plot. Felt almost like what I imagine a Gen-Z movie would be.

  • The general theme is nicely familiar, while the social issue theme should merit a discussion.



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Unpregnant - watch it on HBO MAX

The Social Dilemma


  • It might be hyperbolic for me to say this, but this might be one of the most important films that needs to be seen by everyone.

  • The credentials of the people getting interviewed is incredible. You kinda have to give more acknowledgement to what they have to say, because of who they are.

  • I like how this has parallel narratives with the documentary and the fictional story, intercutting with each other.

  • Loved how it physically represents the phone/social media algorithm artificial intelligence.

  • The subject matter and the premise is very gripping, and engaging. It just might be enough to keep you from reaching for your phone while watching this film.

  • There’s a lot of important information being relayed to us here, and should be enough for you to really put some more thought into how you interact with social media in your everyday life.

  • Watch through the credits. It’s packed with even more interesting things that needs to be heard.


  • Seemed to focus a lot more on Facebook, and Google, much more than other tech companies. Which makes the information given here feel incomplete.

  • The doom & gloom nature of the film can get a bit tiresome.

  • Fictional story kinda goes overboard, is much too on-the-nose, and leaves you generally unsatisfied with how it’s plot plays out.

  • For a documentary about tech software for profit, that conditions and manipulates human behavior and social pressures, there’s no mention of iMessage?!


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The Social Dilemma - watch it on NETFLIX



  • Historical accuracy, Disney adaptation, and Asian representation aside, the story of Mulan is still a good premise.

  • Story's themes and lessons are familiar, but welcome.

  • There are some good scenes to check out, like the opening involving a chicken, the fight sequences, the big Mulan reveal, and everything with Gong Li.

  • Liu YiFei carries herself well in the action choreography.

  • Kicking weapons. Had fun seeing that.

  • I loved the visuals. The cinematography. The locations. The colors.

  • It has Tzi Ma in an important role, so that’s a huge positive for me.

  • The stunt casting of known Asian actors and call-backs to the 1998 animated movie, were appreciated!


  • There will be things to complain, about it’s believability with its historical context, and it’s representation of Asian culture.

  • If you were looking for a more faithful live-action adaption of the 1998 animated movie. You will be disappointed.

  • Is this a familiar tale as old as time? Sure. Unfortunately, it definitely does not feel fresh at all. Expect your cliches, plot tropes, and derivatives.

  • The attempts at humor mostly falls flat.

  • Simply does not have the wonder and excitement of a fantastical historical action adventure. Especially when compared to classic Wuxia flicks.

  • This movie has a complete lack of subtlety, and very much annoyingly on the nose. Like having way too much symbolism of the phoenix. Take a shot when you see a Phoenix.


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Mulan - watch it on DISNEY+

i'm thinking of ending things


  • If you like Charlie Kaufman as a filmmaker and storyteller, then you know this movie will give you a unique experience.

  • The conversations and voice over monologues are definitely interesting and insightful to listen to.

  • Unsettling. Creepy. Mysterious.

  • The intercutting scenes should grab your attention, and should make you more interested in what the heck is going on.

  • Fantastic cast! Jessie Buckley, Jesse Plemons, David Thewlis, and Toni Collette. Jimmy the dog!

  • Tons of symbolisms, themes, and subtext, that requires a lot of thinking to do.

  • Once you have a better understanding of what the film is about, it automatically becomes a better experience when watching it a second time.

  • Needless to say, it's a weird movie, with an odd narrative.


  • It's a weird movie, with an odd narrative. Probably the least accessible Charlie Kaufman movie for a general audience.

  • The random dialogue might make your mind wander too much.

  • I can see people getting frustrated and bored with this film.

  • The first act will definitely test your patience.

  • The final act will also test your patience.

  • Some people are just not going to like how the movie concludes.


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I’m Thinking Of Ending Things - watch it on NETFLIX

Love, Guaranteed


  • Charmingly cute premise, with that comfortable familiarity that comes with Rom-Coms.

  • Speaking of charming and cute, Rachael Leigh Cook! I loved her in this movie.

  • Rachael Leigh Cook also had good chemistry with Damon Wayans Jr.

  • Really liked the supporting characters; Sean Amsing, Lisa Durupt, Jed Rees, plus Heather Graham was fantastic too.

  • It's light comedy and jokes were perfectly entertaining.

  • The romantic plot was nice.

  • Montage about online dating was pretty amusing.

  • Those nicknames for the different dates! Haha!

  • Car door handle.

  • The disclaimer.


  • Not exactly a fresh and unpredictable story.

  • Cliches! Tropes! Conveniences!

  • Damon Wayans Jr's character made me roll my eyes a little too much.

  • There's a plot turn for the third act that was kinda frustrating to see play out, and could potentially have been easily resolved with a conversation. However, nope! Gotta go with what's expected from a typical Rom-Com.

  • The foxy Karmann Ghia and “I think we're alone now” by Tiffany, is a little too on the nose.


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Love, Guaranteed - watch it on NETFLIX

Max Winslow and the House of Secrets


  • The premise is like a more modern, tech friendly, gen-z version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! With some scary situational moments.

  • Marina Sirtis as the computer AI voice? Perfect.

  • Sir Mordred as the armored robot. I liked him.

  • Part of the fun in this movie are seeing how some of the puzzles play out.

  • There are lessons to learn from the story, and I think younger kids would benefit from them.

  • Potatoes. French fries!!!


  • For a movie that relies on the house puzzles to entertain us, I wish the puzzles were more like actual puzzles.

  • The characters are more or less your typical archetypes. Cliche.

  • Wished there was more of Sir Mordred.

  • Plot inconsistencies, unbelievable characters, and logical flaws, weakens the story a lot.

  • It should have been a more exciting movie than what we actually got.

  • Conclusion was a bit too uninspired for my taste.


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Max Winslow and the House of Secrets - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

The Binge


  • I generally liked the movie’s idea of being this outrageous, drug and alcohol, bro-comedy version of “The Purge.”

  • Vince Vaughn. The man still entertains me so much.

  • Got to give a shout out to Eduardo Franco as Andrew. He went all in with his character, and that deserves some props.

  • There are some jokes and funny scenes that did make me laugh. Quan. Darts. Autocorrect. Cow. Names of people who could be Lena’s promposal.

  • Those of you looking for an excuse to watch an over-the-top movie that celebrates alcohol, drugs, and sex jokes. Well here you go.


  • The whole thing is really a bit on the embarrassingly juvenile side, with way too much pandering to its target audience.

  • It has a generally obvious and unoriginal story, with the most predictable conclusion.

  • A lot of the humor either falls flat or are just cringey. I can only take so much unfunny jokes about drugs, alcohol, sex, and pop culture references.

  • Griffin and Hags. No direct shade towards Skyler Gisondo and Dexter Darden, but the characters they play in this are just such tired, living cliche, plot tropes.

  • There’s going to be some idiots who are going to be inspired to do the stupid things in this movie.


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The Binge - watch it on HULU