Let them all talk


  • The premise was nice and simple, but with an underlying goal that has more to say.

  • Has multiple plot threads that I was invested in seeing how they turned out.

  • Real draw in seeing this is the cast. From Meryl Streep, Candice Bergen, Lucas Hedges, to Daniel Algrant. However specifically I’d like to point out that it’s Gemma Chan and Dianne Wiest who I thought owned this movie.

  • It amused me how the ensemble cast was introduced as if they were setting up a crew for a heist.

  • Seeing this cast interacting with each other; having good chemistry, is another reason to watch this film.

  • Thematically, there are several commentaries about relationships, generations, and legacies, that help molds the whole narrative together.

  • The Queen Mary 2.


  • It's a drama with mostly just people conversing with each other, so it's not necessarily for everybody.

  • The narrative seem like it moves aimlessly. A bit boring even?

  • There’s a moment where it seemed like the movie already ended… but then it keeps going.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Let Them All Talk - watch it on HBO MAX

Black Bear


  • Opening features a naturalistic casual conversational banter between Allison and Gabe, that is a good indication of the clever fun this movie's dialogue has to offer.

  • The awkward premise and chemistry that is established between the three lead characters, Allison, Gabe, and Blair, makes this a fascinating drama to watch.

  • Then “Part Two” happens and I'm just smiling from ear to ear.

  • There are some plot turns and reveals that just adds to what makes this movie entertaining.

  • The three lead actors in this are great! Kudos to Aubrey Plaza, Christopher Abbott, and Sarah Gadon.

  • There are social, ideological, institutional, commentaries tossed around in this that are great food for thought.

  • This movie has some nod nod wink winks for filmmakers and those who are interested in the filmmaking process.


  • Has a specific narrative and plot progression that may not be for everyone.

  • There are some jokes that may be a bit too much.

  • Some people may think that the main characters are just not sympathetic enough to care.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Black Bear - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Sound of Metal


  • 20 minutes in, and the story is just heartbreaking, fascinating, and emotional.

  • The sound design is amazing, and the moments it simulates what it sounds like to lose your hearing is an effective experience.

  • There are a handful of scenes where it shows people having conversations in sign language, and it isn't closed captioned. Really conveyed what it's like to not be able to understand what people are saying right in front of you.

  • Riz Ahmed. Intense acting. Successfully conveyed the frustration and anger of Ruben's situation, plus his struggle to live with it.

  • Great supporting cast, that includes Olivia Cooke, Paul Raci, Mathieu Amalric, and Lauren Ridloff.

  • Good plot progression. I was invested as to where the story was going.

  • I appreciated how this movie only helps teach empathy with those with hearing loss.


  • Pacing of the movie can be a little slow at times, which might make some people impatient.

  • Some questionable plot details.

  • The music the band plays isn't exactly for everybody.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Sound of Metal - watch it on PRIME VIDEO



  • Right from the opening, the black & white format, the directing style, the narrative, the soundtrack, all were just appropriate and perfect for this film.

  • There’s a lot of back and forth conversations and banter in this by the ensemble cast, and besides the leading actor, that’s one of the main reasons to see this.

  • To no surprise, Gary Oldman is amazing as Herman Mankiewicz. Carries the movie splendidly with his wit, humanity, and personal flaws.

  • Amanda Seyfried is energetic as Marion Davies. Every scene she is in were simply fantastic.

  • Excellent supporting cast here, who adds to the movie in spectacular ways. Tuppence Middleton, Tom Pelphrey, Joseph Cross, Sam Troughton, Ferdinand Kingsley, Jamie McShane, Charles Dance, and Tom Burke.

  • That kinetic introduction scene of Louis B. Mayer; played by Arliss Howard. Fun stuff.

  • A lot of people will watch this for the Citizen Kane backstory, but I found the politics; social and electoral, one of the most interesting things about this movie.


  • Rita Alexander; as played by Lily Collins, unfortunately was just such a bland and cliche character.

  • The emphasis on mostly talking heads and dialogue, might not be of interest for some people. Some of those people might call it boring.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Mank - watch it on NETFLIX

The Broken Hearts Gallery


  • The premise is pretty amusing for a romantic comedy.

  • Filled with so many quirky, neurotic, precious moments, and personality, that were perfectly delightful.

  • Comedic scenes like an Uber ride that isn't an Uber ride, art gallery meltdown, bringing a trash bag to a fancy restaurant, the origin of the Broken Heart Gallery, plus more, were all enjoyable to see play out.

  • Geraldine Viswanathan is an energetic dynamo that carries this movie as Lucy. The things she says and does…

  • Dacre Montgomery plays the good straight man as Nick, and has solid chemistry with Viswanathan.

  • Excellent supporting cast with the fun dialogue and banter. Phillipa Soo, Molly Gordon, Arturo Castro, and more.

  • Narrative has some stylish and endearing touches, that's just charming through and through.

  • Fantastic soundtrack.

  • Tackles some themes, ideas, and social commentaries, worth entertaining.

  • There are good running jokes throughout that kept me smiling, like the one about Jeff.


  • Movie might be too quirky, neurotic, and precious, for some people.

  • The whimsical nature of this film can be mistaken for the movie indulging itself by meandering into more presumedly innocuous cutesy scenes.

  • There were some plot conveniences and expected cliches that were just a little much.

  • Can I criticize the movie for having a lack of actual drama or tension?

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

The Broken Hearts Gallery - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Come Play


  • Opening sequence does a great job setting up the premise and the scares of the movie.

  • Some good scenes with effects involving flying paper, a face filter, the iPad, plus more.

  • Solid creepy set ups and effective scarey scenarios. This is simply a well-crafted scary movie by writer-director Jacob Chase.

  • The whole sleepover, parking lot, and several more sequences. Fantastic stuff!

  • Oliver is pretty much the best character in this movie… and uh Larry too.

  • Appreciated the underlying themes of this story.

  • Spongebob Squarepants.


  • Despite the modern gimmick, it's still a generally derivative and familiar movie.

  • There were some stupid facepalm moments.

  • If you're looking for traumatic scares, you're not getting that from this. Although you might if you were an 8 year old.

  • Spongebob Squarepants.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Come Play - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Whole concept of “the Archive technology” is a world building plot detail that I did find quite interesting.

  • Watching Theo James having a conversation with a boxy looking robot can be pretty entertaining.

  • I like the pseudo futuristic setting, with excellent cinematography.

  • The robot body designs for “J1,” “J2,” and “J3” look great.

  • Theo James was good in carrying this movie, but it's Stacy Martin that truly stands out.

  • Has some familiar themes about our connections with technology and death that the movie tackles, but it's presented here in fascinating ways.

  • Gotta appreciate the direction and screenplay by Gavin Rothery for bringing his vision of a future world to life.


  • It’s a little slow moving, meanders too much, and takes its sweet time to get to the main big plot of actual interest.

  • The whole movie simply could be shorter. It could have been short enough to be a typical episode of Black Mirror.

  • I found the character of George Almore to be quite frustrating.

  • Some questionable narrative plot decisions.

  • Slight pet peeve of mine, but showing low quality, glitchy, black & white, visual communications in a presumably futuristic setting, does not make it look more believable, especially when modern day visual chats looks more futuristic in comparison.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Archive - watch it on PRIME VIDEO

His House


  • The premise of the main characters being asylum seekers, having culture shock, plus dealing with xenophobia and resentment towards them, adds a great dramatic weight to the story.

  • The haunting does drive the plot of the movie really well.

  • Not your typical house haunting scary movie, but it’s definitely a very compelling story nonetheless.

  • Good visual tricks, jump scares, and creepiness, to heighten the tension.

  • Some excellent sequences, from a wallpaper situation, looking for Church Street, to a dinner scene that morphs into more than just a dinner scene, plus several more.

  • Good work by Sope Dirisu, and Wunmi Mosaku, as our lead characters that we can't help but be invested in watching them see through their situation.

  • There are some thought provoking themes presented in this film. Kudos to writer-director Remi Weekes.


  • A little slow going at the start.

  • There are many moments where I'm going “haven't you seen a scary movie before, why are you doing that?!”

  • It's not scary in the traditional sense of what is usually expected from a scary horror movie.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

His House - watch it on NETFLIX

Hillbilly Elegy


  • If you don’t apply too much political opinions into it, this is more or less a solid drama about a dysfunctional family in rural America.

  • The point of seeing this movie revolves around the three main characters, J.D. Vance, Bev, and Mamaw. Flawed complicated characters? Yes, but that’s supposed to make them interesting to watch.

  • Strong performances by the cast overall. Kudos to Owen Asztalos, Amy Adams, Glenn Close, Gabriel Basso, Haley Bennett, and Freida Pinto.

  • Filled with fascinating scenes of heightened drama, that usually ends with a lot of yelling.

  • There are two sequences that I thought were particular stellar, one being a trip home from the collectibles shop, and the other was from a trip home from RadioShack. Those trip homes, man.

  • Although a generally straightforward story, I didn’t find it boring, and that’s due in part to the pacing, editing, and direction.

  • Out of all the thematic messages introduced in this movie, there is at least one simple message that you can learn from J.D. Vance’s experience here that is worth being aware of.


  • Despite it being based on a true story, the plot still felt a bit predictable and derivative.

  • The narrative with the flashbacks can be a little all over the place.

  • There’s an air of self-righteousness to the J.D. character that can get a little off-putting.

  • Some obvious opinionated bias against intellectuals and systemic institutions.

  • Felt like the story was trying to say something more beyond just what was shown in the movie, but it unfortunately relies on you to do most of that leg work.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Hillbilly Elegy - watch it on NETFLIX

Uncle Frank


  • Dramatic premise and emotionally heartfelt. Excellent film.

  • Sophia Lillis is good in this, playing who is essentially the audience surrogate of the story. Plus she gets some killer lines and insightful monologues.

  • Paul Bettany is great in this complicated and nuanced role as the title character, and it’s hard not to get invested in his situation.

  • Peter Macdissi is the fantastic scene stealer, that brings a lot of fun energy to the movie.

  • Scenes with Lillis, Bettany, and Macdissi, all together are just golden. From the party, the morning after scene, the road trip, and more were wonderful stuff.

  • Plot moves at a solid deliberate pace, that’s not going to waste your time.

  • That final act was amazing and had so much to say thematically.


  • Arguably too melodramatic at times.

  • There’s a couple of scenes that seemed a little too convenient to be believable.

  • I wouldn’t have minded if they stretched out that road trip a bit more. Felt like a wasted opportunity.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Uncle Frank - watch it on PRIME VIDEO