

  • This ambitiously, imaginative, mysterious premise and plot, is probably gonna make you curious enough to want to see how it plays out. 

  • As our audience surrogate to the conceptually weird situations we see in this movie, Owen Wilson plays an excellent sympathetic character of Greg. 

  • Salma Hayek is just a ball of manic energy as Isabel, that will continually keep you on your toes.  

  • The fantastical bits are pretty fun to see. 

  • Tonally puts you on a loop, in that it has this constant despairing mood where you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

  • Brings up some ideologies and commentaries that are absolutely worth thinking about. 

  • Heartbreaking. 

  • Thought visualizer.


  • I gotta say, the opening 10 minutes starts off by making me contemplate if I should just stop watching. 

  • There's a nonsensical element to the plot that might feel frustrating to watch. 

  • While it is a uniquely told genre story, there are elements of familiarity and predictability to some of the plot reveals. 

  • It's obnoxiously manipulative at times  

  • Simply cheats with certain plot turns when it's convenient. 

  • Some people will hate how this story concludes.

loveditenjoyeditlikedit IT’S OKAY itsmehitsterrible

Bliss - watch it on PRIME VIDEO

Life in a Day 2020


  • Fascinating ambitious premise for a documentary film. 

  • Loved the montages that show the similar activities among the different cultures. 

  • Enjoyed seeing scenes that capture experiences that you wouldn't normally see. 

  • The section about relationships is probably my most favorite part. Probably because of what footage was actually submitted. 

  • I'm glad there was a section dedicated to the under appreciated blue collar jobs.

  • There's that one particular scene that contrasts itself to the first Life in a Day film from 2010. You'll know what I mean when you see it. 

  • Unavoidably, the topics of the pandemic and social injustice are covered. It's not the point of the whole movie, but they still make an impact when watching this. 

  • As disjointed as the whole thing may seem, there is an introspective quality to the theme.


  • Because all the footage is taken from different sources, the video quality varies from bad to good. 

  • There are some footages that they probably shouldn't have bothered showing here. 

  • Due to the premise of this film, it doesn't really go deep with everything it wants to say. 

  • Hard to really get attached to the movie, as it doesn't have a lot of connecting through lines. 

  • Needles to say, I won't blame you for getting bored watching this after a certain point.

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Life in a Day 2020 - watch it on YOUTUBE

Space Sweepers (Seungriho)


  • The moment I saw Earth's orbit during the first act, I couldn't help but really appreciate this movie's take of a sci-fi themed future. 

  • Liked the imaginative world building. 

  • Main premise and plot kept me invested. 

  • It's got heart. The story knows how to get you attached to it. 

  • Our scrappy misfits of protagonists are an enjoyable lot to get invested in. 

  • The interactions and camaraderie between our motley crew is a strong appeal of this movie. 

  • I can see the character of Bubs easily being a fan favorite. 

  • One particular action sequence in the third act involving Bubs was pretty fun. 

  • Love the visual design of the space guards. 

  • There are some obvious franchises that clearly inspired this movie, and I'm totally okay with that.


  • Well, it still has the usual plot tropes, and cliches, so there's a predictability to the story. 

  • There are some undercooked half-baked moments that can cheapen the experience of watching this.

  • Arguably could be edited down further from it's 136 mins runtime, as it indulges itself a bit too much for some scenes, to the detriment of the movie's pacing. 

  • Main antagonist isn't exactly as compelling of a character as it thinks it is.

  • The social commentaries found in this movie; while appreciated, felt superficially explored at best. 

  • Fart humor, huh?

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Space Sweepers (Seungriho) - watch it on NETFLIX

Malcolm & Marie


  • If you're in the mood of seeing a couple drive each other crazy… 

  • Opens with a lively sequence to "Down and Out in New York City" by James Brown, that just grabs your attention. 

  • John David Washington is acting his butt off here! Electrifying performance. 

  • Zendaya is excellent and outstanding. Commands the screen with aplomb. 

  • I mean, it's unavoidable in that this literally only has the two actors, but they play off each other really really really well. 

  • Monologues. Monologues. Monologues. Lots of monologues with powerful lines. 

  • "What about William Wyler?" 

  • It has commentary. It has lots of things to say. Thought provoking things. Meta movie stuff!

  • Song choices in this movie are fantastic, and even work in parallel with the story. 

  • That scene (my favorite scene) about the film critic review, is a good reason why I write my reviews in this format.


  • You know what? It really doesn't help when this movie is just unable to make me care about the two lead characters. Especially when there are only two characters in this! 

  • Can get kinda boring, aimless, and repetitive. 

  • Wouldn't be surprised if you find this movie obnoxious and annoying.

  • There's an air of pretentiousness to the film. 

  • Honestly, I don't think having this in black & white does anything particularly special to the presentation. 

  • I wouldn't blame you, if you turned off this movie after 20 or 30 minutes, or are just completely find yourself distracted on your phone instead. 

  • Speaking of minutes. Maybe this could have been shorter? Seriously. 

  • There are multiple points in this when I went "oh, what now?!" Yeah. It can get frustrating to watch.

loveditenjoyeditlikediti IT’S OKAY itsmehitsterrible

Malcolm & Marie - watch it on NETFLIX

Below Zero (bajocero)


  • It's got that traditional “good guy outnumbered by a bunch of bad guys in precarious situations” premise that you are familiar with. If that sounds like something you're looking for, then this one's for you. 

  • Has a fine enough plot, with its fair share of surprises, that will make you want to see how it concludes. 

  • Javier Gutiérrez plays a good protagonist to root for. 

  • Got to also acknowledge the fact that Luis Callejo and Karra Elejalde were also really good in this. 

  • Solid diverse set of characters to give us that bit of variety to keep you on your toes. 

  • There's a set piece inside the prison transport during the second act, that made the movie even more interesting. 

  • Part of the fun watching this, are the interactions and dialogue between the characters. 

  • It's a decent suspense thriller to pass the time, and even has some social commentaries to make you think about too.


  • It's not exactly something you haven't seen before. 

  • Expect the usual cliches, and all those plot conveniences.  

  • Usual caveat. Bad shots when convenient. 

  • Unnecessarily graphic at times. 

  • There's this one scene I was hoping to see at the very end; or maybe even as an after credits, but the movie disappointingly enough didn't follow through on that.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Below Zero (bajocero) - watch it on NETFLIX

The Dig


  • Interesting, fascinating, and thoughtful, historical drama of a movie, that’s based on a true story that's set on the eve of World War II as the backdrop. 

  • There's this surprising moment during the first act that just immediately grabs your attention. Just in case you weren't paying any. 

  • Ralph Fiennes is excellent as Basil Brown, giving his character the nuance, and gravitas needed for the role. 

  • Carey Mulligan does the incredible job of bringing the character of Mrs Pretty to life. 

  • Additionally, some welcome energy is given to this movie by Lily James as Peggy Preston, Archie Brown as Robert Pretty, and Johnny Flynn as Rory Lomax. 

  • I liked the narrative choices that were made here, in terms of the use of voice overs, cut-aways, the delicate tone, the efficient pacing, and the overall segmented storytelling structure. 

  • There's actually a lot of varied themes in this presumably simple film, that works well with the sentiments of the story. 

  • Makes you appreciate the passion and drive of a discovery. Makes you appreciate life.


  • Not the most explosively dynamic blockbuster of a movie I suppose. 

  • Sudden shifts in the storytelling might not be welcomed by some. 

  • I know it's based on a true story and all, but there are some familiar plot tropes that I feel made the story more derivative than it needed to be. 

  • It's a little disappointing that Mrs Pretty is written more like a plot device.

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The Dig - watch it on NETFLIX

Finding 'Ohana


  • Motley cast of characters. Adventure. Hawaii. Culture. Treasure hunting. Enjoyable stuff! 

  • That geocaching competition cold open was an exciting way to kick off the movie. 

  • Combo of Kea Peahu as Pili, Alex Aiono as Ioane, Lindsay Watson as Hana, and Owen Vaccaro as Casper, make an entertaining group that forms our adventurers. Their chemistry together is excellent. 

  • Kelly Hu as Leilani and Branscombe Richmond as Papa Kimo are great too, with a particular hospital scene being particularly effective. 

  • Loved all the sequences inside the caves.

  • Visually, it's colorful and beautiful. It's Hawaii! 

  • This movie absolutely has a fun sense of humor, as demonstrated by the introduction scene of Hana, to those flashbacks of Monks the sailor. 

  • Speaking of Hana, I'm never gonna tire of her busting Ioane's balls. 

  • Pop culture references were fun. 

  • There are some nice lines spoken here. "Breathtaking." "You can't sneak up on a New Yorker." "Don't tell me not to cry, when I'm trying not to, it doesn't help." "That girl needs more fiber in her diet." "Who comes all the way to Hawaii just to see where they filmed LOST." 

  • Aloha. Mahalo. Ohana.


  • Premise feels a little familiar, there are scenes that are derivative, plot cliches, but don't let all that bother you too much. 

  • There are some bits of convenience in the story that seemed unnecessary. 

  • They did that tired bit where the parent doesn't let the teenager explain herself. Never really a fan of that trope.

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Finding ‘Ohana - watch it on NETFLIX



  • Premise may be familiar, but it's a good straightforward drama. 

  • Justin Timberlake is solid here, acting all serious in a sympathetic role as Eddie Palmer. 

  • Ryder Allen embraces his role as Sam, in a greatly affectionate and energetic way. 

  • As expected, the relationship with Palmer and Sam is the heart and reason to see this movie. 

  • You add in Alisha Wainwright as Miss Maggie to that duo, and it's a delightful trio. 

  • There's this dialogue in a car with June Squibb and Ryder Allen that was pretty entertaining. 

  • Some emotional moments were effectively done. 

  • The topics and subject matters the movie tackles are quite admirable.


  • Story is generally derivative. Nothing too surprising or freshly unique. 

  • Cliches and plot tropes galore. 

  • Might be too slow or sentimental for some. 

  • Takes a while to really get going.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Palmer - watch it on APPLE TV+

the little things


  • Looking for a psychological crime mystery cop drama? Here's one! 

  • Denzel Washington, with his swagger, charm, and serious acting. You know what you want from him, and he delivers as usual. 

  • Rami Malek is solid as expected, and brings a good performance to his role. 

  • The contrast and collaboration between Denzel and Rami is a huge highlight of this film. 

  • Jared Leto successfully elevates the interest of the mystery with his addition to this movie. Best scenes happen to involve him. 

  • Actually there are several good sequences that involve vehicles in this. 

  • The conclusion will give you something to think. 

  • Seeing that No Doubt concert poster highlighted multiple times was nice.


  • Although it has its fair share of surprises, it still feels like a generally derivative story. 

  • Too slow a burn for my taste. 

  • Despite a solid cold opening scene, the actual crime mystery didn't quite grab my interest.  

  • Honestly could have just been more compelling for what it is. 

  • There's a moment in the third act that just seemed dumb dumb dumb.  

loveditenjoyeditlikedit IT’S OKAY itsmehitsterrible

The Little Things - watch it on HBO MAX

Psycho Goreman


  • Premise, plot, tone, and style, is fascinating, yet absurdly ridiculous. Enjoyable!

  • Appreciated the off kilter campy B-movie quality to the whole production here.

  • The irreverence in the story and the plot progression is actually quite clever in a self-aware kind of way.

  • Unabashedly gory, violent, offensive, twisted, dark, and just plain wrong at times. Excellent!

  • Nita-Josee Hanna is incredible, going completely all-in as Mimi, in the most intense over-the-top way.

  • Matthew Ninaber is fantastic as Psycho Goreman. The things he says and does in this movie just delighted me to no end.

  • Owen Myre, Adam Brooks, and Alexis Kara Hancey, who make up the rest of the family, are excellent as the supporting cast to this crazy premise.

  • The interactions and dialogue between the characters are a huge chunk of what makes this movie fun.

  • CRAZY BALL!!! “Hurry up so I can bury you and go to sleep already.”

  • “To be eaten is a warrior’s death.”


  • It is undeniably silly and dumb. Not everybody is going to like this.

  • Yes, the creature design looks straight out of a Power Rangers type low-rent TV show, but hopefully you can get over that.

  • At a certain point, you’ll probably start thinking that you can’t take anymore of Mimi’s schtick.

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Psycho Goreman - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND