Dear Evan Hansen


  • Awkward teenager. Premise about a huge misunderstanding. Heavy subject matters. It's a musical too! If that's up your alley, have at it. 

  • Speaking of being a musical, the songs are good and catchy. The scenes that go with them are great as well, and are several of the highlights. 

  • "Waving through a window," "Sincerely, Me," "The Anonymous Ones," "You Will Be Found," "So Big / So Small," are just some of my favorites from the movie. 

  • Effective directorial choices in how the musical numbers are visualized. This is definitely not just a camera placed in front of the stage musical. 

  • Considering the premise, it is like a rabbit hole of curiosity to see where the plot is taking you to next. 

  • Despite the simplicity of the narrative, this definitely shouldn't be accused of being boring. 

  • Movie has some good heartwarming, heartbreaking, and emotionally resonant moments. 

  • Loved the contrasts between the Mother characters. 

  • Appreciated how the story reached its conclusion. I feel it's important that the final act played out the way it did. 

  • Ben Platt is fantastic as Evan Hansen. It's like he was born to play the role. Either that or he had a lot of practice playing the character. HeHe 

  • Ensemble cast is excellent and have their own moments to really shine. From Kaitlyn Dever, Amandla Stenberg, Amy Adams, Julianne Moore, Danny Pino, Nik Dodani, and Colton Ryan. 

  • Ultimately the thematic lessons and social commentaries that this story brings up are absolutely worth addressing.


  • You might have an issue with the general premise and plot progression of this story that could ruin your enjoyment of this movie.

  • I know it's hard to be completely original, but there is one big plot cliché I would have really preferred didn't happen. 

  • There's a bit of unwelcomed awkwardly tense frustration about a story involving lies. 

  • Angst. Hope you are okay with angst.

  • Some of the plot threads move either too fast or too slow. Can’t quite get that proper balance.

  • Then there are the plot threads that aren’t expanded enough for my taste. 

  • Production value seems a little too simple at times. Limits of filming during a pandemic perhaps? 

  • Fans of the musical might complain about the movie not having all the songs from the Broadway show. 

  • Those gay and sex jokes are not as funny as they think, nor where they really necessary. 

  • Sorry Ben Platt, but compared to the other adult actors playing High School kids in this movie, you really do look way too old for the role now.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Dear Evan Hansen - watch in IN THEATERS

Prisoners of the Ghostland


  • Surreal mash-up of cowboy western, feudal Japan motifs, Escape From LA, and Mad Max fantasies. 

  • Very much a unique fever dream or nightmare of a movie. 

  • It stars Nicolas Cage and this is Nic Cage being very Nic Cage. 

  • Here’s an example of a line Nic Cage had to say… “Impossible? Ha! If you had told me three days ago, I’d be standing here with one arm and one testiccllleeee!!!!! Trying to reason with you bitches, I would have said impossible too,...” 

  • Tak Sakaguchi is fun to watch as Yasujiro. 

  • Bill Moseley, Sofia Boutella, and Nick Cassavetes are in this too. 

  • The outlandishly bizarre sequence that introduces the Governor character and the introduction to the premise is probably the best part of this movie. . 

  • Movie does have a very distinct visually striking and colorful look to it. 

  • Definitely has its own mythology that I can imagine might just fascinate some people. 

  • Weeaboo’s will probably really dig this movie.


  • The eccentric and random nature of this movie definitely might not be for everyone. 

  • 20 mins in, you might just go "What is this strangely weird movie, and maybe I should just stop watching." 

  • It’s hard to believe how seemingly lazy the production and direction can be when it comes to some attempts with the special effects. 

  • Even the action sequences feel half-heartedly choreographed for some reason. 

  • Plot progression is just a series of nonsensical moments and out of whack logic. 

  • Dialogue is as ridiculous as this movie 

  • Did the Director just tell everybody to overact and do whatever they felt like doing at any given moment? 

  • I swear, it's like they were making things up as it goes. 

  • I’m inclined to just accuse this movie for being haphazardly stylistic and unconventional, just because…

loveditenjoyeditlikedititsokay IT’S MEH itsterrible

Prisoners of the Ghostland - watched it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Blue Bayou


  • If you’re ready to watch a heartbreaking dramatic story on some heavy topics, that will likely frustrate you, anger you, or make you depressed, then this is a great one for you to check out. 

  • There is a simple plot progression to this story, but it’ll be hard to accuse the story of being simple. Very complicated. It’s not afraid to show you how life can be so unfair. 

  • This movie also has an incredible habit of making some seemingly innocuous scenes become really profound and / or poignant. 

  • Writer / Director / Actor Justin Chon is just amazing in this. The humanity he brings to his character Antonio is simply unforgettable, and the confident direction of this narrative is impressive. 

  • Huge shout out to the scenes with Sydney Kowalske as Jessie. Fantastic young actress who really gives you a particular perspective for this movie. 

  • Loved how Linh Dan Pham’s character of Parker, brings up the Asian cultural aspects to the story. 

  • There is a reason as to why this movie is called “Blue Bayou,” and it’s an absolutely wonderful moment involving the always great Alicia Vikander as Kathy. Easily one of the best scenes in this. 

  • At the heart of this story are Antonio’s relationships and connections with Kathy, Jessie, and Parker. There were truly some incredible moments shared between them that are the highlights of this film. 

  • Needless to say, this is very much a tear jerker for having such a sad premise. 

  • One specific moment in the movie seriously made me break down bawling in tears. It was devastating. 

  • Thematically resonant with some very important social commentaries. There’s just a lot that you’ll have to unpack here with what you saw. 

  • Learned a lot about the fleur-de-lis.


  • Can a movie be too sad before somebody just accuses it for being overly melodramatic? 

  • Sometimes it felt like Emory Cohen’s character of Denny was just sooo hateable to a point where it felt like it was too on the nose. 

  • There was one scene that I was just waiting to see happen, but it was disappointing in that it never did. 

  • For certain plot points, you can tell that the movie wanted to have its cake and eat it too. 

  • For some other plot points, I wished it did have its cake and eat it too! 

  • This has quite a bit of film grain and seems to rely a lot on natural lighting, which might not be visually pleasing for some viewers.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Blue Bayou - watched it IN THEATERS

Cry Macho


  • It's got a good premise for a story, has interesting enough characters, and I appreciated the movie's reverence for it's love of animals. 

  • Deliberately moves at a leisurely pace that matches the calm tone, which surprisingly works well enough for a movie about two people on the run. 

  • Part of the charm of this film is the growing relationship between the characters of Mike and Rafo. 

  • Clint Eastwood plays a good old gruff cowboy, but that's to be expected. 

  • Supporting actors Natalia Travern and Dwight Yoakam are fine in the roles given to them. 

  • There are some thematic lessons introduced in the story that are worth discussing. 

  • Despite a rocky first act, the second act of this film makes for a decent drama. 

  • It's got that old fashioned idealized conclusion that warms your heart. 

  • Macho the rooster. Easily one of the best things about this movie. 

  • Appreciated the fact that it doesn't always translate the Spanish spoken in the film, which adds to the whole foreigner in a foreign land kinda thing.


  • You need somebody to go save your son and you send a 90 something years old man?! 

  • It feels like the majority of the dialogue is just a bunch of exposition. 

  • It's not exactly the most energetic movie around.  

  • Plot turns that are supposed to keep things lively, but more like they keep things pretty basic and contrived. 

  • Very much has your familiar plot tropes and clichés. 

  • Eduardo Minett as Rafo. I'm sorry dude, but this movie isn't really doing you any favors. 

  • How come two of the main women characters in this movie act like they automatically want to sleep with Eastwood? Hey Director, stop flattering yourself.

loveditenjoyeditlikedititsokay IT’S MEH itsterrible

Cry Macho - watched it on HBO MAX



  • Looking for that action flick stylings that Director Joe Carnahan can pull off? Here’s one you may want to check out. 

  • The action can be as brutal and unforgiving as you expect them to be, so I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with this. Bang Bang Bang! 

  • Stand-offs. Who doesn’t like good stand-off scenes? 

  • Plot progression keeps you invested with some good turn of events and just the general interest to see how it’s all going to end. 

  • Most will go watch this movie for Frank Grillo and Gerard Butler as Teddy Murretto and Bob Viddick, and they are definitely entertaining in it. 

  • Most will come out of this movie going Alexis Louder and Toby Huss as Valerie Young and Anthony Lamb are freaking awesome amazing in this movie! Seriously. Those two actors are the main highlights and made this movie as good as it could be. 

  • If you like your movie characters to always be bantering or arguing, then you’ll get your fix here. 

  • Some clever lines here and there, that will either make you chuckle or go “that’s a cool line.” 

  • Musical score sounds like it’s out of a 1970s-1980s cop show. 

  • Movie is also predominantly set in one location like it’s a bottle-episode, but it uses that set up to good effect. 

  • Curtis Mayfield's 'Freddie's Dead' from Superfly.


  • Pretty sure there will be many who will complain that there just aren't enough action scenes in this film. 

  • The script and dialogue sounds like it’s coming from somebody who has been watching too many Quentin Tarantino films. 

  • Maybe a little too much posturing and testosterone in this, because it can get cringe-inducing in that regard. 

  • Frustrating stupid things that happen in the movie. 

  • Ryan O’Nan’s character of Huber is probably too hateable that it made parts of the movie just unenjoyable to watch.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Copshop - watch it IN THEATERS



  • Premise is about a boy and girl who are being held captive by a witch. It’s a kids movie. If you’re okay with that, feel free to check this out. 

  • It’s got a straightforward plot, but it makes good efficient use of the simple plot progression. 

  • Winslow Fegley and Lidya Jewett as Alex and Yazmin respectively are perfectly fine in their roles. It’s not exactly hard to get invested with their well being in this story.  

  • Krysten Ritter as Natacha the witch is easily the main highlight of seeing this scary kids movie. She brings a great over the top performance with her unamused evil witchiness. 

  • A good plot device are the quick anthology stories by Alex. From the simple visualization, the voice over narrative by Fegley, and even the title cards that come with them are entertaining to see.  

  • I had a lot of fun hearing Natacha constantly correcting Alex, acting annoyed that she has to explain to him supernatural facts and logic that “everyone knows.”  

  • There aren't a lot of location settings in this, but the few spots it does showcase are nicely designed. 

  • The shredders. Scariest creepiest nightmare inducing looking things! 

  • That third act. Gotta admit, it surprised me with where it was going. 

  • Thematic lessons that are fit for kids to learn. Kudos to that!


  • I know it’s a kid’s movie, but is it fair for me to say that it’s just not scary at all? 

  • Can’t escape them. Familiar stupid character decisions and plot conveniences.  

  • CG cat and cat poop. Seriously? 

  • Exposition. Lots of dialogue that is just exposition. 

  • Arachnophobia. Beware. 

  • Those gross slime stuff to entertain the kids. UGH. Didn’t care for that. 

  • Depending on what you expected, that ending is going to be a hit or a miss.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Nightbooks - watched it on NETFLIX

The Card Counter


  • You’re watching this movie because it stars Oscar Isaac or because it was written and directed by Paul Schrader. You’ll get what you want from either or both reasons.

  • To no ones surprise, Oscar Isaac is great as the stoic and enigmatic William Tell. He himself as a character is the main driving force to continue watching this movie.

  • Tye Sheridan as Cirk is good in a role that opens up the narrative in how he and William are such an unusual pairing.

  • Tiffany Haddish is great as La Linda and brings a welcome energy to the mix.

  • The plot progression involving these three characters and the premise that was established essentially keeps you on the hook to see what might happen next.

  • I do like the quick lessons in card counting and tips about gambling in casinos.

  • The whole subplot surrounding the World Series Of Poker tournaments can be entertaining to watch.

  • Some good scenes that shine, from the explanation of the best card game Tell ever saw, the flashbacks, to an offer that a certain someone shouldn’t refuse.

  • Social political commentaries are at the same time obvious and subtle. Either way, they are topics worth examining further.

  • Living a life where all you do is hop from casino to casino, is that something you could do? It’s a compelling lifestyle choice.


  • Dialogue sounds a little too scripted, and unnatural at times.

  • Certain plot directions that can frustrating to see.

  • Tonally listless with a deliberately slow pace. Not for everyone’s taste.

  • The fisheye lens flashback scenes… why? Stylistic choice sure, but why?

  • I know it’s intentional, but that USA USA USA guy is pretty annoying.

  • That conclusion is not what I would call a pleasing ending.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

The Card Counter - watched it IN THEATERS



  • Want to see Mary Elizabeth Winstead kicking ass, trying to take down the Yakuza? Here’s a movie for you. 

  • Want to see bloody brutal violent action sequences? Yes, this is definitely a movie for you to watch. Check out the action set pieces at a restaurant, a street market, a penthouse, and more. 

  • Solid action choreography, especially when it includes sharp pointy weapons. 

  • There are some good thematic messages and commentaries here that are worth thinking about. 

  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead is really good at playing the badass female assassin, but still able to mix in some vulnerabilities and playfulness to her role. 

  • Miku Martineau is a firecracker of a character as Ani, and just lights up the screen with her energetic performance. 

  • Part of the fun watching this is the contrast in personalities between Kate and Ami. Winstead and Martineau have excellent chemistry playing off each other. 

  • Supporting cast is solid, from Woody Harrelson, Tadanobu Asano, Jun Kunimura, Miyavi, and more. 

  • Location setting of Japan is awesome. From the neon lit skyline, the gritty urban city, to the luxurious homes, look great for the cinematography. 

  • Nice touches with the camera, 180 flips, blood on the lens, overhead shots, and such. 

  • Rather enjoyed the Asian heavy rock and pop soundtrack.  

  • Bandmaid! It’s got one of my favorite Japanese Rock bands making a cameo in this movie and in the soundtrack. Instant plus! 

  • Boom Boom Lemon. I want some Boom Boom Lemon now. 

  • Everytime Kate calls Varrick “V,” I think about the main character in Cyberpunk 2077.


  • Not the most original assassin going to do one last job, but things go bad, kinda story. 

  • Expect some familiar plot tropes, cliches, and conveniences. 

  • Moves at a more leisurely pace than you might want for an action flick. 

  • Honestly would have preferred at least one or two more big action set pieces to fill in some of the lulls in the pacing.

  • Some might find the character of Ani to be pretty annoying. "Stop. Speak less. Open your ears." 

  • There’s a particular plot point at the end of the final act that could have been expanded on more. I was waiting for that scene and moment or exchange of dialogue, but it just never happened.

  • It’s hard to deny the negative optics of seeing a White person killing a bunch of Asians in this day and age.

  • Your typical Japanese stereotypes are present here as well.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

KATE - watched it on NETFLIX

The Voyeurs


  • It’s got a provocative premise, that showcases erotic situations that includes a good amount of nudity and sex scenes. Sounds like it’s probably worth a watch for a specific kind of audience ain’t it. 

  • Sexual stuff aside, the more unpredictable moments in the plot will keep your attention as well.  

  • Speaking of grabbing your attention, Sydney Sweeney as Pippa is incredible in this. The character’s journey and how Sweeney portrays her is the main reason to see this film. 

  • Supporting cast is good as well, which includes Justice Smith, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Ben Hardy, and Katharine King So. 

  • While the story gets serious and dark, it’s not without a light hearted side that produces lines of dialogue like “Is he choking?” or “There’s a satyr in their apartment.”  

  • There’s a plot point that involves a laser pointer and a sound board that I think might encourage some people to try it themselves. 

  • Aesop fable about the donkey and his master. 

  • "Margot." 

  • If you are ever invited to do a photo shoot, make sure you have a chaperone. 

  • The thrill of peeping and eavesdropping is a huge theme of this film, and the moral dilemmas that come from that. 

  • Touches on a smorgasbord of commentaries about social issues. 

  • That concluding third act might just impress you with that plot direction.


  • That concluding third act might just make you turn off the movie early. 

  • Some will say that this isn't erotic enough, or that it’s just glorified soft porn. 

  • Some will say that this isn't much of a thriller, and that it doesn’t capitalize on the tensions in the plot. 

  • It could have just been a very simple tale, but it becomes just another highly implausible story that thinks it’s more clever than it really is. 

  • Can go down this rabbit hole of frustration with where the narrative is going. 

  • Simply put, this movie relies on Pippa making all the wrong choices. 

  • All the commentaries that this movie is trying to do, yeah, I’m not sure it hits the landing there. 

  • At one point you'll go "wait, this movie isn't over yet?" 

  • Put on curtains or blinds people, come on!

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

The Voyeurs - watched it on PRIME VIDEO



  • Directed by James Wan, and introducing a new horror movie monster? Sign me up! 

  • That horror movie monster is named Gabriel, and he is a fantastic antagonist in this. 

  • Annabelle Wallis is absolutely amazing as Madison. She knows how to play up being a frightened woman in a horror movie. 

  • Supporting cast is good in this, and adds some nice light hearted touches to the narrative. From Maddie Hasson, George Young, and Michole Briana White. 

  • The use of shadows and silhouettes are excellent. 

  • Some suspenseful scariness here and there that will keep you entertained. 

  • There were some visually neat camera directions, with shots that I almost never see in cinema. 

  • From the visions, the chase sequence, to that police precinct action beat, this movie has some awesome set pieces. 

  • "Why am I calling the police?" 

  • Third act really ramps up the absurd insanity that is the plot. 

  • Oh, if I didn’t already mention it, this movie can get graphically bloody violent. 

  • I think Sam Raimi and David Cronenberg would be proud of what Wan pulled off here.


  • Those looking for traumatic scariness will probably not find that here.

  • Plot progression is derivative in certain ways, and isn’t shy about using some familiar tropes. 

  • There’s this big reveal that isn't really that much of a big reveal, even if the movie acts like it is. 

  • The lines of dialogue can be pretty atrocious, to the point of unintentional hilarity. 

  • Soundtrack is so over the top ideal for a horror movie, that you’d wish it was just a tad bit more subtle about it. 

  • Some stupid plot points and character choices.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Malignant - watched it on HBO MAX