If you wanted to have a film noirish story, mixed with an unraveling mystery of a serial killer, with a little bit of torture puzzles, plus a super gloomy investigative vigilante that’s dressed like a Bat, and it’s a three hours long movie, then definitely check this out. I myself thought those three hours moved pretty well.
Best thing about this is honestly anything to do with Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle AKA Catwoman. She is fantastic, and absolutely livens things up. I liked Jeffrey Wright playing Batman’s sidekick too…
There are some solid action beats in this movie, like the ones where Batman beats people up, but that Batmobile set piece in particular was a pretty awesome highlight.
Appreciated the thematic message that this narrative ended up with, and it’s one that’s absolutely worth bringing up now.
Has some beautifully shot visuals and imagery that really knows how to use those shadows.
There are certain characters that you just don’t get to spend as much time with as you might have hoped. Then there are certain ones that you want less time with. Just saying.
How much of Batman brooding can you take? Because Rob Pattinson is really good at that. Oh, you want more emotions coming from Batman? How about just slightly less brooding? Or contemplative brooding? There’s a lot of brooding.
It’s a three hours movie! So it must be filled with so many thrilling action sequences to eat up all that time watching this right? Right? Right?! No. Not really. Don’t get bored now.
One thing kinda really bugged me. There is one moment during the third act where there is a big fake out that happens. Sorta felt like the movie was just effing with the audience at that point. Didn’t really appreciate that.
In the end, does this new interpretation really add anything significantly new to the Batman mythos that justifies its existence and that three hours runtime? No. Not really. Hope you’re okay with this direction.
lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible