
All Time Top Ten of Spoilers Pleeze part deux
Edward Hong, Josephine, Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 200 (1 hr 23 mins 25 secs) On the very last episode of “Spoilers Pleeze,” as promised 100 episodes ago, our podcast crew are going to come up with a new All-Time Top 10 Movies list of films Spoilers Pleeze has covered during its full run, since it started back in April 19, 2015. Between Edward, Josephine, Jiaming, and Albert, there’s a lot of disagreements on what movies deserves to be on the list. Things get heated and contentious! Things were said! Josephine once again fights for Lego Batman, and Albert forgets how long the podcast has being running and what movies they could or couldn’t review. Listen to what ends up to be a train wreck of an episode, as it’s only fitting for the final episode of Spoilers Pleeze.

Thank You to the approximately 1,200+ subscribers of the podcast. Thank You to everybody who have hosted or guested on the show! Co-hosts Albert and Jiaming. Josephine, Edward. Kathryn. Ruthy from the Stuff & Junk show. Tyler and Jeff from the Grand Geek Gathering. Louis from the weekly whowhatwhereswhy comic strip. Tim, who was one of the first co-host for the Facebook Live video. Plus Rachel, who was on the very first episode. Thank you for humoring Albert into supporting him with creating yet another movie/tv show podcast among the thousands of movie/tv show podcasts out there! We hope you join him at the Stuff & Junk show podcast, where Spoilers Pleeze will live on!

00:04:19 - nomination for All-Time Top 10 starts here
01:04:25 - Thank Yous and technical difficulties -
01:08:20 - Credits -
01:11:04 - After Credits - What were the worst movies Spoilers Pleeze reviewed?
01:18:34 - After Credits - discussions involving random TV shows, since Spoilers Pleeze also covers those

- Archive page for Spoilers Pleeze

- The All-Time Top 10 Movies Of Spoilers Pleeze… for now

- Episode 100 - The All-Time Top 10 Movies Of Spoilers Pleeze… then

- Follow Spoilers Pleeze as it transforms into a recurring segment on the Stuff & Junk show podcast
- You can also find it on iTunes, on RadioPublic, or your favorite podcast app

Edward Hong 


Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Movies Of 2018

Movies of 2018
Edward Hong, Josephine, Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 199 (1 hr 10 mins 59 secs) On the penultimate episode of the Spoilers Pleeze podcast, Albert and Jiaming are joined once again by Josephine and Edward to talk about their favorite movies of 2018. Take a listen to their picks, why they picked them, and then listen to them mention why certain other movies didn’t deserve to be on their lists. Take a listen!

What were your favorite movies of the year? Feel free to share them with us.

01:57 - Jiaming kicks off sharing their favorites lists
43:39 - Movies we didn’t really like in 2018
53:06 - Credits
54:07 - After Credits - TV shows of 2018 worth mentioning

- All-Time Top Ten Of Spoilers Pleeze so far…

- Spoilers Pleeze will be moving over to The Stuff & Junk Show very soon. Do subscribe to that podcast if you haven’t already.

Edward Hong 


Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Voltron Season 8

Voltron Season 8
Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 198 (36 mins 52 secs) Here it is, the very last review episode for this podcast! As they’ve been doing these past years, Jiaming and Albert cover the final season of Netflix / Dreamwork’s “Voltron: Legendary Defender.” How well does this animated series ends its run? Take a listen!

01:48 - Spoilers starts here
34:25 - Credits
35:21 - After Credits - ???

- Voltron Legendary Defender Season 1
- Voltron Legendary Defender Season 3
- Voltron Legendary Defender Season 4
- Voltron Season 5
- Voltron season 7

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 



Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 197 (59 mins 27 secs) Does Warner Bros / DC comics have a hit on their hands with Aquaman? How is James Wan as Director? How is Jason Momoa as the title character here? How is the movie overall from the story to the visuals? Albert and Jiaming cover all that and more. Did they like it or didn’t they? Take a listen!

07:40 - Full Spoilers Begins
38:43 - Credits
39:20 - After Credits - Mary Queen Of Scots (historical spoilers)
42:37 - the Death Of Stalin (no spoilers)
43:40 - Mary Poppins Returns (no spoilers)
49:10 - The Mule (spoilers)

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 



Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 196 (42 mins 15 secs) It’s been said many times about how “Bumblebee” is the best live-action Transformers movie by far, so of course Jiaming and Albert has to compare it to the Michael Bay installment of this franchise. While there’s a lot to like about this movie, it’s not perfect. Our Spoilers Pleeze hosts share what they liked and didn’t like about it. What did they think? Take a listen!

02:41 - Full on spoilers starts
39:07 - Credits
39:47 - After Credits - What are we recording for the next 4 episodes?

- the Top Ten Movies of Spoilers Pleeze… for now…

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse
Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 195 (45 mins 18 secs) There’s a lot of great things said and a lot of hype about “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.” Does Jiaming and Albert agree with that or not? They discuss what makes the movie as good as it is, although they aren’t above pointing out some things they didn’t like either. How much do they geek out on Spider-Verse? Take a listen and find out!

07:47 - Full-On Spoilers
38:08 - about the movie’s after credits
41:48 - Credits
42:39 - After Credits - public advance screenings

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Ralph Breaks The Internet

Ralph Breaks The Internet
Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 194 (49 mins 05 secs) Since “Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2” is focused more on the internet aspects of the story, as opposed to the video game stuff like with the previous installment, did it work for Jiaming and Albert? What did they like and didn’t like about the movie? Take a listen.

07:18 - Full Spoilers
27:50 - Credits
28:30 - After Credits - AMC’s The Walking Dead (Spoilers)
33:54 - Game Night (Spoilers)
38:40 - The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs and Cam (no-spoilers)
45:11 - about Roma, Aquaman, and a few other things (no-spoilers)

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 



Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 193 (52 mins 36 secs) There’s a lot of praise for “Widows” by Steve McQueen, but does it really deserve it? Is it just another heist movie that happens to star women? Or is it more than that? Jiaming and Albert discusses the film and shares their thoughts on it. Take a listen.

03:44 - full on spoilers starts
41:02 - Credits
41:45 - After Credits - The Crimes Of Grindelwald (practically no spoilers discussion)

- Albert’s isawthatmovie no spoilers movie review for The Crimes Of Grindelwald

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 



Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 192 (43 mins 30 secs) From producer JJ Abrams… at least that’s what the marketing says, but let’s give more credit to Director Julius Avery for “Overlord.” Avery deserves the recognition for how good or how bad the movie is. So was it good? Was it bad? Albert and Jiaming share their thoughts about it. Take a listen!

02:26 - Spoilers Starts
28:44 - Credits (plus one more thing about Overlord)
30:49 - After Credits - (No Spoilers) The Grinch, Prospect, Girl In The Spiders’ Web, Forever

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Start Countdown

Start Countdown
Jiaming Liou, Albert Patrick

Episode 191 (48 mins 08 secs) We don’t have a feature review here for this episode, but Jiaming and Albert do talk about some current movies and TV shows (listed here in the show notes), with a good chunk dedicated to AMC’s The Walking Dead’s turning point of finishing Rick Grimes’ story on the show, and more stuff and junk. The title of this episode is explained during the after credits, and you don’t want to miss it. Take a listen.

01:32 - (No Spoilers) Suspiria, the Old Man & The Gun, The Hate U Give
03:12 - (Spoilers) Bohemian Rhapsody
09:59 - (No Spoilers) The Nutcracker and the Four Realms,
12:27 - (No Spoilers) Mid90s
14:43 - (Spoilers) The Walking Dead
27:22 - (Mild Spoilers) Titans
32:15 - (No Spoilers) Netflix is replacing network TV and cable TV
34:43 - (Spoilers) Network TV shows that Albert’s watching. CW shows.
40:34 - (Mild Spoilers) Star Wars Resistance, The Gifted. Manifest. Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina.
43:46 - Credits
44:40 - After Credits - START COUNTDOWN?

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


the Haunting Of Hill House

The Haunting Of Hill House
Jiaming, Albert Patrick

Episode 190 (52 mins 10 secs) “The Haunting Of Hill House” on Netflix, seems like the perfect scary TV show to watch during Halloween. Is it actually scary though? How good is it really? Jiaming and Albert share their thoughts on the show, from it’s stories, themes, and the characters. Take a listen.

03:41 - full on spoilers
34:29 - goes off tangent and talks about Netflix for a bit
36:35 - back to the show
44:03 - Credits
44:48 - After Credits - what else we’ve been watching…

- Season 2: If Story Continues, It Won’t Be About the Crains
- This Detail Possibly Explains What The Crain Siblings Signify
- Hidden Ghosts, Book References & Most Shocking Moments
- Fans are obsessed with Luke and the memes are everything

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 



Ruthy, Albert Patrick

Episode 189 (51 mins 09 secs) Does Netflix have another hit on their hands with the limited TV series “Maniac?” It’s got a fantastic cast and a mind boggling premise, but is it worth your time? Filling in for Jiaming, Ruthy from “the Stuff & Junk show” joins Albert to talk about the show. What did they think? Take a listen!

06:42 - full on spoilers starts here
43:01 - Credits
43:59 - After Credits - what else have we been watching?

- whowhatwhereswhy “Maniac” comic strip

the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils  

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Want to show your support? -> 
or Listen to Spoilers Pleeze on RadioPublic Podcasts -> 

Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 
