I know that the Stormtroopers in Star Wars are generally pretty incompetent, but when does it start being less self-aware fun to just being a parody of itself?
Anybody else a little shocked at how well received Top Gun: Maverick has been? Definitely one of the biggest movie surprises of the year.
How you all liking the Obi-wan Kenobi Disney+ TV show so far?
PlayStation's Jim Ryan
I supposed I’m not too surprised that PlayStation got dragged into the current abortion debate’s news cycle. Thanks Jim Ryan! Way to stay in character!
How do you think the people you know will be in another multiverse? Widely different or just about the same?
Multiverse Dreams
Do you subscribe to the idea that our dreams are just a glimpse into our multiverse selves? Is that an exciting prospect or a scary one?
Moon Knight
The character of Moon Knight isn’t the only thing that’s divided. Apparently so are the MCU fans about the show. Do you like it or not? We can all at least agree that Oscar Isaac is amazing as usual though right?
Netflix bleeds
With all the negative news surrounding Netflix, have you lost faith in it, or do you already consider it a necessary part of your regular entertainment needs?