So are you all still in the first island of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom, or did you finally stopped experimenting with what you can do in the game and actually play the story?
Fast fatigue
Just like people still continue to go see superhero movies even when they start feeling repetitive, people will still continue to see the Fast and Furious movies.
Royally bummed
If you’re a huge fan of Xbox, I’m sorry that it’s been a horrible May so far.
How reliant are you on coffee to brighten up your day?
Season 3
Don’t want to be that nerd that brings up a Star Trek vs Star Wars debate, but c’mon now, Picard completely outshined Grogu for their respective Season Threes.
Inner thoughts
Does anybody else find it weird that a giant dinosaur turtle wants to marry a human?
Super Mario Movie
So what did you all think about The Super Mario Bros. Movie? Are we finally at a point where video game adaptations can downright be good now?
more John Wick
I know the John Wick movies have exponentially gotten more over the top and unbelievable as the movies keep going. Often times it’s best to know when to stop while still on top. However… who really doesn’t want more John Wick?