Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Directed by : J.J. Abrams  
Written by : Lawrence Kasdan, J.J. AbramsMichael Arndt  
Starring : Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Oscar Isaac,  
Release Date : December 16, 2015  

*** No Spoilers here! ***  

If there are some things that are really obvious about "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," it's that not only is it a story continuation to an already established series of films; which expects it's audience to already be familiar with it's world and mythology, but it also serves as an homage and a tribute to those movies that preceded it. Some would argue that it can be a little too similar to what's come before, but there are new elements introduced here that make this movie worth checking out. 

I really liked the new characters, and I thought they were the main reason this movie even worked as well as it did. Daisy Ridley as Rey is a strong assertive protagonist worth following. John Boyega as Finn brings a nice sense of humorous awkwardness to his character. Adam Driver as Kylo Ren may seem like a typical antagonist, but there's a certain unhinged rawness to his character that I appreciated. Plus BB-8 is just too adorable as a droid character, that I absolutely enjoyed every moment it was on screen. 

There are a lot of things this movie was able to do right, which I thought easily outweighed any plot or logical issues that I had with it (that I won't get into here, because spoilers). Bringing back some of the familiar characters from the previous movies is always welcome, especially the always likable Han Solo as played by Harrison Ford. Having lots of solid action set pieces and crowd pleasing moments were very entertaining to see. The comedic lines and scenes that are in this were actually funny to me. Most importantly I suppose, is that it introduced a new story arc for this franchise that I'm genuinely excited to see more of. 

As the seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise of movies, I can easily say that "The Force Awakens" is not the best of the series, but it's also genuinely not one of the worst. The pacing worked for me. The characters worked for me. The story worked for me. This movie just worked for me, and that makes me happy. 

LOVED IT  enjoyedititsokayitsmehitsterrible