promotional drawing

Rules for the promotional drawing in celebration of the TWO years anniversary of Who What Where's Why (April 10) 

TWO WINNERS will be announced on the night of April 10, 2017, via Facebook LIVE video.
1st Prize is $80* 
2nd Prize is $40* 
Note: You cannot win both prizes. 

* We are also looking for at least 22 participants for this promotional drawing. If we are unable to get 22 participants, then the prize will be divided in half (1st prize will become $40, 2nd prize will become $20). If you'd like to avoid the downgrading of the prizes, then feel free to share this promotional drawing with your friends and family, so that we can get 22 or more participants for the promotional drawing. 


STEP ONE: Write a Review for one or both of the two primary Who What Where's Why podcasts on iTunes; "The Stuff & Junk Show" and "Spoilers Pleeze." Reviewing only one of the two podcasts shall grant only ONE entry into the promotional drawing, but Reviewing both podcasts shall grant TWO entrees into the promotional drawing. Increase your chances to win by Reviewing both shows! If you've already previously reviewed the show (shows), then move on to step two! 

STEP TWO: send an email to with the subject header "2 years," and tell us what your iTunes name and what your review was (for one or both podcast shows), in order for your entree (or entrees) to be officially entered into the promotional drawing. 

Final chance to submit your entry will be on April 10, 2017 at 2:00PM (PST - California time). 

Prizes will be transferred to the winners via "Venmo," directly from Who What Where's Why creator Albert himself.