WonderCon Anaheim 2018 part 2


Listen to the full 1 hour and 10 minutes at... 

Extra Stuff Extra Spoils - Episode 38 preview (26 mins 10 secs)  

WonderCon Anaheim 2018 has come and passed, but Albert still has more audio interviews and impressions to share with you on this episode; which is part two of two (listen to part one if you haven't yet). Albert also continued to ask his question for the event, "What do you want or don't want to see in Avenger's Infinity War?" At the end of the episode, Albert's got you an audio recording of "Unnecessary Debates" panel by The Grand Geek Gathering. 

- Part 1 of our WonderCon Anaheim 2018 coverage  
- comic strip - attending WonderCon 2018  

00:30 - Redflags.com  
01:56 - Sparrows Flight  
03:08 - Mary Rose  
04:08 - Chiara Vittoria  
05:14 - Room 200A
06:06 - Starry and Moon 
07:54 - Evan and Eric from The Grand Geek Gathering 
11:02 - Rachel Autumn and Amy Workman  
13:54 - Kaylee Jacqueline (spudzy.cosplay)   
15:22 - A discussion with Kathryn about Agents of SHIELD panel, Fear The Walking Dead panel, the exhibit hall crowd, and concluding thoughts on WonderCon  
24:36 - Unnecessary Debates 

Photos Albert took can be found on his instagram... 

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast 
Spoilers Pleeze podcast  

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This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, podcasts, movie reviews, and comic strips, at whowhatwhereswhy.com 
