San Andreas

Directed by : Brad Peyton 
Written by : Carlton Cuse 
Starring : Dwayne JohnsonCarla GuginoAlexandra Daddario 
Release Date : May 27, 2015 

This movie definitely has some eye opening, jaw dropping incredible visuals of destruction, and is easily the best reason to see this movie. The disasters depicted in those scenes should sober anybody up to the danger of earthquakes. Unfortunately, the by-the-numbers story isn't good enough to match that dramatic message. The movie ends up becoming almost unintentionally comical, and can likely be turned into a drinking game. 

Take a shot whenever a situation goes from bad to worse. Take a shot whenever our lead characters barely escapes a close call. Take a shot whenever people are actually being chased by the ground giving in. Take a shot whenever no name actors gets nonchalantly killed. Take a shot whenever Dwayne Johnson is on a different vehicle than he was before. Take a shot whenever you see Alexandra Daddario's breasts gratuitously bounce. 

The movie isn't a complete disaster, but it is as mediocre as it gets. The background stories and relationships that are established in the movie are just barely enough to keep you invested in the lead characters' fate. There are some crowd pleasing moments, but those only work based on how much you actually care for these characters. 

"San Andreas" wants it's audience to take it's subject matter seriously, but unfortunately it just falls short from being a parody of itself. I'll wait for the YouTube cut of all the disaster scenes put together in a giant montage, because that's all that's really needed from this movie. 

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