resident evil the final chapter

Can I just say that this is a terrible movie and call it a review? No? You want me to waste more time on this movie and give you a few more words? Alright. How about... The action sequences were terribly choreographed, and incredibly unexciting. The visuals were generally uninspired and boring to watch. There were practically no real scary moments in this movie, short of some jump scares and sudden loud noises. The story was insipid and contrived, with things just happening because they had to happen. I didn't care about any of the characters, although Milla Jovovich's Alice looked like she at least tried to play her poorly written part as best as she could. Speaking of which, there was one very brief plot point towards the end of the movie, that gives a much needed resolution to the Alice character that I really did appreciate. Besides that one single positive thing, this movie was a complete waste of my time. 

loveditenjoyedititsokayitsmeh  IT'S TERRIBLE