Love, Marriage, Racism, Controversy, Leadership, Politics, Government, and Determination. This movie tells us a powerful true story that shaped a country and helped moved a people towards the goal of equality. As most biopics go, the narrative has to condense several years of history into less than two hours, but thankfully Director Amma Asante was able to keep the plot moving and engaging throughout.
Another major factor that helped this movie was the amazing performances by David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike. Both actors were able to showcase the love and respect Seretse and Ruth had for each other, as well as the strength to overcome all the opposition and hardship that faced them. It is truly a wonder for them to stay together, when it seems like the whole world wants them apart. It was very easy to sympathize with the two characters, and then to feel the joy for their happier times. The theme of "love conquering all" is as cliche as it can get, but it didn't bother me one bit here.
As a historically educational film, it's important that this story reaches more people. As a movie about two star-crossed lovers, it's very inspiring and only makes you want to aspire to find a love like theirs.
lovedit ENJOYED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible