
There are actually many negative factors that I can point out with this movie. The most obvious one is that it's not exactly a highly original concept of a story, and is simply unable to stand out because of that. The characters aren't as interesting as they should be, although you will know just enough about them to have some investment to their well being. The opening scenes that introduces the premise and the characters isn't really that interesting, and is borderline boring. The story ends as expected. 

What works with this movie? The fascinating alien, and the intensity of the suspense sequences. It's a pretty straightforward progression, but as soon as the first person is attacked by the alien creature, from that point on I was on the edge of my seat non-stop until the very end. I thought the alien's design is pretty good, I was absolutely captivated by how smart it is, disturbed at how brutal it can be, and can imagine it being scary enough to likely give somebody nightmares.

The cat and mouse game between the alien and the astronauts are what makes this movie as enjoyable as it is, despite all the drawbacks. If all this movie wanted to be is an entertaining thrill ride, then it succeeded. 

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible