At first this looks like a conventional family drama film, about a boy genius who seems to have taken the reigns on taking care of his adorable younger brother, and his goof of a Mom. It's also like a conventional caper thriller, about an intricate plan to save the girl next door from an abusive step-father. One part of this movie is lighthearted and touching, the other part is dark and gripping. Combined together, makes this a rather unique experience. A movie mash-up of two different genres? Yeah, not every movie goer is going to accept the tonal differences that it gives. That may not be for everybody, but it worked for me.
There's another thing that people might have a problem accepting about this movie, and that's the fact that Henry is a boy genius. Some people might get turned off by how seemingly perfect and smart he is at everything. Speaking of Henry though, Jaeden Lieberher plays the precocious boy really well. Jacob Tremblay is also fantastic as his younger brother Peter. Both of these child actors are simply great on screen. To top it off, Naomi Watts is excellent as always, playing the loving but ultimately carefree Mom; Susan. I thought the role-reversal of Henry and Susan was pretty charming, but others may not feel the same way.
I'm not done yet saying what might be oft-putting about this movie for people. Without revealing spoilers, there is a plot in this movie which leads to the ending, that depending on your point of view, may come off incredibly far-fetched, and will ruin your suspension of disbelief. I myself thought it worked well enough as it wanted to be, but talk about a risky story to include in this movie. With all the chances this takes with it's premise, I have to show some admiration for Director Colin Trevorrow and Writer Gregg Hurwitz of attempting to make this into a feature film; questionable decisions aside.
Needless to say, this movie isn't for everybody. I myself thought the characters themselves were enough for me to feel really invested in the story, but I can see how the plot will be really problematic for other people.
lovedit ENJOYED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible