the commuter

I admit, it was easy for me to dismiss this movie, and go in with low expectations. It looked like another disposable action thriller, that years later I will just as likely forget it existed unless somebody actually brings it up to me. All that is true. I've watched the movie, and to be honest, years from now I will probably forget that it existed, until somebody asks me if I've seen it. You know what though? I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. To my surprise of course. 

To be fair, there are a lot of disposable action thrillers all around that are forgetfully bad. However, all it takes are some clever writing and a good director to make it work, despite the odds against it from being good. It's hard to be a great action thriller, but it is possible to at least be an enjoyably good one. At the hands of Director Jaume Collet-Serra, he managed to make this film a fun thrilling experience.

From some cool visually stylized tricks, to just keeping an exciting but steady pace to the narrative, and toss in some good action set pieces here and there, this disposable action thriller is definitely better than it needs to be. The premise itself is interesting enough to get people talking about it. From the clues, to the twists, to the reveals, we as the audience are also playing along with the story, wondering and guessing where it's going to go. That's what made it fun to watch this movie. 

Liam Neeson at this point has been taken for granted that he is solid as an action star, and "The Commuter" is no exception. Along with the help of the direction and the story, Neeson contributes greatly to why this is an entertaining movie to watch. Sure there are times suspending disbelief needs to be done, there are some questionable logically flaws, and some oh-so-convenient scenarios. Yes, it's not perfect. As a disposable action thriller though, it delivers at being a good entertaining fun time at the movies. That's what counts here. 

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehisterrible