Oh Director Takashi Miike, you always come up with some of the most craziest Japanese movies I’ve seen, and this one is a good example of that. Thank you.
The premise is deceptively simple, but opens up into this convoluted story, that only makes the movie better for it.
This is one of those movies where divergent plot lines eventually merge up into one crazy plot line. That’s why this is fun to watch.
The series of unfortunate coincidences and events that makes the zany plot lines even more zany, is why this movie is so entertaining to watch.
I liked the movie’s sense of humor. The comedy here ranges from slapstick, to dark, and violent. Good stuff.
One of the best set pieces involves multiple characters fighting each other. Hand to hand combat. Guns against guns. Sword against sword. It does all that. It was awesome.
There’s that one scene where that one character encourages the other character to trust in Japanese cars, and then proceeds to do something enjoyably unbelievable.
Speaking of characters I don’t want to spoil who they are, but there are characters in this one that really stand out more than others. Awesome cast.
The beginning exposition scenes that introduces each characters, kinda dragged out a little bit longer than I would prefer.
As big of an ensemble cast as it is, this film is simply unable to completely flesh out all the characters properly.
There are odd plot points found in the movie that people may not exactly appreciate.
Some characters just do the most stupid things. Hope those don’t break your suspension of disbelief too much.
Logic? This movie laughs at the face of logic. Power up your suspension of disbelief.
No surprise I suppose, but the female characters aren’t exactly shown in the most positive light.
lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible