An “info-tainment” movie about the sexual harassment that occurred in FOX News, is a premise that deserves a look for sure.
Some cleverly directed scenes and interesting narrative choices throughout.
Charlize Theron is amazing as Megyn Kelly, and there’s a lot of intrigue in what she does in this movie.
Nicole Kidman is good as Gretchen Carlson, and has some good scenes to play in.
Margot Robbie shines as Kayla Pospisil, and is arguably the most fascinating character here.
John Lithgow as Roger Ailes. Simply phenomenal in the role.
This story itself is captivating, but it’s the actors who make this movie worth checking out.
How enjoyable can a movie really be, that covers such a sensitive and serious subject such as sexual harassment? Turns out, not that enjoyable.
Oddly seems to want us to do the real world research about certain characters and situations, because the movie doesn’t really fully give us that information within the movie itself.
The narrative can feel disjointed at times, and that feeling of missing gaps can’t be ignored.
Some of those makeup work to make the actors look similar to the real life counterparts can look pretty rough.
Seemed a little incomplete in the story telling overall.
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