Appreciated this Polish Horror movies' attempts of being self-aware that it itself is a horror movie.
I love the fact that in the spirit of old horror thrillers when help isn't just a phone call or internet away, they actually put it in the plot to get rid of phones and technology.
Cast of actors do a good job playing their expected roles in your typical horror flick.
Liked the geeky pop culture references.
Has some excellent practical visual tricks for special effects.
Solid death scenes, and bloody gore.
If you're in the mood for a comfortably familiar “monster in the woods” premise of a movie, then why not check this out.
It can be argued that this Polish movie pays homage to monster flicks, or you can just say that it's cliche and filled with familiar plot tropes.
Not a shock, but some stupid things happen.
The pacing could probably move faster than it does.
Some of the characters are just so underwritten.
loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible