The animated sequences are a nice acknowledgement to the story being rooted in the comic book superhero genre.
Kudos to Joe Manganiello for completely throwing himself into the role of Max Fist, plus all that monologue and jargon that the script gets to make him say.
I generally liked the idea of this Max Fist character, and the premise surrounding him in the movie. It is undoubtedly the main reason to see this.
Fun winks and nods to several comic book superhero tropes.
Has some nice little special effects thrown in on occasion.
That scene with Paul Scheer as Krieg was something.
May as well give this a try, if you like those gritty comic book superhero flicks, which this move wholeheartedly embraces.
It can be kinda boring and uninteresting more times than it should be.
Pacing could be faster.
There are some stupid parts, pretentious parts, and uninspired parts, as well.
Kinda wished this had a bigger production budget to match the ambitions of the story.
loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible