This animated movie being a mix of James Bond, Martial Arts, and yes Batman, is pretty awesome.
Plot moves things along nicely, and it’s entertaining enough to want to see it through.
It's got an excellent ensemble of characters, and their chemistry together is fun to watch.
This may have Batman in the movie, but Shiva and O-Sensei were easily the standouts of the cast.
Martial arts action choreography looked really good, and is actually the main reason to see this movie.
The lesson about a rock that was nicely said.
For a movie trying to avoid saying the word "shit," it sure isn't afraid to show lots of blood and decapitations.
I’d like to emphasize that Shiva kicks so much ass.
If you're expecting this to be a full-on Batman movie, then you will be disappointed.
Animation style was too simple and generic looking for me
Narrative can feel a little uneven at times.
The way the movie ends…
loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible