Exciting, thrilling, and engaging action flick, starring Kate Beckinsale as Lindy. A woman who has anger issues and violent tendencies. Who doesn't want to see that?
Opening character history montage was just perfect. I appreciate the quick origin story, so that we can just move on with the fun asskicking.
It's very entertaining to see Kate Beckinsale get violent on people.
Fight scenes. Once again, it's very entertaining to see Kate Beckinsale get violent on people.
Chase sequences. It's also quite entertaining to see people trying to catch her.
Love this movie's sense of humor. Especially considering it can use violence and vulgarity to make you laugh.
Speaking of making me laugh, the witty dialogue is fantastic.
Jai Courtney. Those dates. So heart-warmingly cute.
Stanley Tucci. His role and connection with Lindy is pretty fun.
The combo of Bobby Cannavale and Laverne Cox is just awesome. Enjoyable oil and water duo routine there.
Ori Pfeiffer as Delacroix. Excellent antagonist.
Despite the simplicity of being just another action movie, there are some themes and subtle commentaries worth acknowledging.
Not exactly rewriting the book on action films. It's derivative in many ways.
It can be an awfully silly movie.
Plot conveniences.
There are just several unbelievable moments that might kill your suspension of disbelief.
Conclusion might not work for everybody.
That movie-set backlot they used over and over again for this. Maybe just a little too much?
Sure looks like an action flick on a tighter budget than the blockbusters.
Arguably needed to be more ambitious in it’s cinematic scope and set pieces.
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