If you've seen the first part, how could you not want to see where it goes? Part Two delivers spectacularly.
Emily Rudd and Sadie Sink are fantastic as the Berman sisters.
Both Rudd and Sink follow two different plot progressions, but they are both compelling.
The kills can be pretty brutal and gory.
Effectively thrilling and tense when intended.
Speaking of effective. There are some solid emotional beats here too.
Witch's mark had a cool reveal.
Hanging tree scene.
"Drugs are peaceful, not violent."
Awesome soundtrack of some classic rock music.
I’m loving where the mythology of Sarah Fier is going. After this movie, I’m very excited to see Part Three.
Do you like movies about camp? Yeah, I'm not big into them either.
Some familiar annoying tropes and cliches that come with this type of premise.
Certain plot points will definitely require your suspension of disbelief.
Takes a while before it gets to the actual scares.
lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible