Nice anime film that perfectly captures the feel of the summer season.
A whimsical, charming, and heartwarming slice of life story.
Good ensemble cast of characters with diverse personalities, with good leads by Sakura and Smile.
Remember when hanging out in a lively shopping mall was enough for entertainment? This movie really reminds you of what that feels like.
Contrast between the headphones and the mask. Nice.
Liked how Haiku and vinyl records are an integral part of the plot.
It integrates social media into the story in a good organic way.
Final scene plays out like you hoped it would.
Pastel colored animation style is fantastic to look at.
Excellent use of the split screen in this.
"Without your phone, you'll die."
"Everywhere is the same anyway, as long as I have my phone."
The lack of shadows and shades in the line artwork might not be for everybody.
Not what one would exactly call a thrilling film.
Movie might feel too inconsequential with meandering imagery.
Might be too sentimental even.
There is some questionable logic in certain plot developments.
Oh look, it's another teen movie with a social influencer as one of the characters.
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