For a true crime procedural thriller, this is actually different from the usual. Which makes it a rather interesting movie to check out.
The plot unfolds in methodically fascinating ways, with it constantly presenting an ever changing narrative as things progress.
Sean Harris and Joel Edgerton are excellent in this. The characters they play are pretty complicated individuals, and they gave us performances that go places.
Considering the premise, there is a good amount of tension throughout that'll keep you on edge and guessing.
There's a strong commentary here that only makes this movie feel even darker and scarier, and might just haunt you beyond this film.
Not the fastest moving movie. Don't get too impatient now.
Maybe the tone feels way too bleak and dark to put up with? This is not for everybody.
Even at just under 2 hours it felt like a much longer experience.
Certain plot elements could be further explained I suppose? You'll probably be heading straight to Google or Wikipedia to get the answers you are looking for.
The ending isn’t necessarily the most satisfying one in how it plays out.
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