Decision To Leave


  • Do you like your crime mystery movies involving a detective investigating a questionable death, a femme fatale of a suspect, and insomnia? Well here is an entertaining one that you should definitely check out. 

  • Park Hae-il and Tang Wei are amazing in this as Detective Jang Hae-joon and Song Seo-rae respectively. Since the main premise surrounds their unexpected and precarious connection, it is very engaging to see how well the two play off each other. 

  • From stake-out scenes, “mind palace” sleuthing, chases by car and foot, to sequences of eating a bento box, the plot may move at a measured pace but successfully strings you along to want to see what happens next. 

  • Appealing to the eyes in terms of cinematography and the set locations used in the movie, but it’s the visual narrative via the editing that really wins me over here. Fantastic stuff! 

  • Infatuation, attraction, obsession, and romance? This story does have a provocative premise that’s designed to get a reaction out of you, and possibly make you question how far you are willing to risk things and the sacrifices you will make when it comes to Love. It’s what completely drives this movie and is what makes it tick. 


  • This is not a movie you haven’t seen before, and is definitely not Director Park Chan-wook’s more ambitious project. 

  • How much you are willing to believe or put up with the main crux of the premise will make or break how invested you are going to be with it. Questionable character motivations indeed. 

  • Some people will probably feel bored or uninterested with the plot. 

  • At a certain point, the movie keeps going past when you thought it already ended, and suddenly it’s like you’re already watching the sequel movie. I adored the editing in this, but maybe edit the story down a bit too perhaps? 

  • That ending may or may not be what you wanted. 

lovedit ENJOYED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Decision to Leave (Heojil kyolshim) - watched it IN THEATERS