

  • Fascinating and provocative premise for a story that explores the philosophical science-fiction concepts that examines who you are or who you could be as a person. 

  • The whole tone of the film is very off kilter, which works really well with the weird plot progression, odd world, and darkly comedic sense of humor. It really keeps you on your toes, as you aren’t always sure what you’re going to see or hear next. 

  • Karen Gillan is absolutely fantastic as Sarah, and completely handles the nuanced performance required of her role. 

  • From the opening sequence with Theo James, that big reveal of a turn of events, the whole training plot thread with Aaron Paul, to the eventual confrontation with Sarah, this movie keeps you engaged with all the compelling things that happen. 

  • I was rather entertained by the unique decision to make the dialogue and characters have this very matter-of-fact and tactless thing going for them.  


  • Some people are just not going to vibe with the tone of this movie, or the moments of vulgarity, or the surprising content of blood and gore. 

  • The humor in this movie isn’t exactly of the laugh-out-loud variety. Wait, hold on, those were supposed to be jokes and comedic bits that I saw in the movie right? 

  • I assume it really was done on purpose but the acting in this film felt very stilted in a somewhat distracting way. It’s like they were Vulcans (from Star Trek), or robots, or a race of humans who haven’t fully learned how to fully express their emotions externally. 

  • You may or may not completely agree with the conclusion of the movie. 

  • doesthedogdie.com 

lovedit ENJOYED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Dual - watched it IN THEATERS