You go into this movie to see Nicolas Cage being outrageous by being an outrageous Nicolas Cage, and that is what you get! There’s a lot here that Nic Cage fans will appreciate.
Not to be outdone, but Pedro Pascal is also awesome in this! The pairing of Cage with Pascal is just fantastic and a huge draw to seeing this movie.
Gotta hand it to the premise, which is the general gimmick itself, for being a highly entertaining watch. It is also much funnier than I expected it to be too.
Excellent scenes to see here, from the bit on the cliff, avoiding security, a particularly trippy segment, all that pop culture references, the exciting third act, to the sequences involving some deep fakery, plus more.
Some solid messaging and commentaries, but there is one particular theme that is directly aimed at movie fans that I got to applaud.
This movie has a lot of nonsense that might not work for everybody.
I didn’t particularly care for the attempt at fake outs in parts of the story.
Certain plot conveniences also come off as too illogical or contrived.
Not sure if I would say that one of the big plot reveals is either an uninspired cop out, or just too conventional than what I wanted.
At a certain point I realized that the general plot progression to this movie is very similar to another (honestly better) Nic Cage film. While it may or may not have been done on purpose, it did detract from this movie’s fresh factor.
lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible
the Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - watched in IN THEATERS