Possessor Uncut


  • The sci-fi premise is definitely interesting and fascinating.

  • Visually imaginative.

  • This definitely has something for those of you who like violence, blood, gore, and sex.

  • It's got a good cast, from Andrea Riseborough, Christopher Abbott, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sean Bean, and more.

  • There's a montage sequence involving a mask that was appropriately freaky.

  • Although I had some doubt with how interested I was with the movie, about half way through it, I gotta say, I was absolutely hooked and wanted to see how it was going to end!

  • One plot point in particular had a bit of commentary about privacy and technology that I rather liked.

  • As dark as the premise is, the main theme of the movie is very thought provoking (see what I did there?)


  • The narrative could move a little bit faster than it does.

  • Unnecessarily indulgences itself at times.

  • There were some questionable plot points that I thought was a bit ridiculous.

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Possessor Uncut - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Console Wars


  • Anybody who ever played video games, should find this documentary’s premise fascinating.

  • Just the retelling of this part of video game history is fantastic. Especially as somebody who “participated” in that Sega vs Nintendo console war.

  • There’s an energetic drive to this documentary’s narrative that just grabs your attention throughout.

  • The Sega of America team plus Tom Kalinske gave us some fascinating stories about how they joined forces to take on Nintendo.

  • Scenes of Tom Kalinske making his pitch proposal to Sega of Japan, the birth of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega’s marketing, etc... All of that. Epic.

  • Hayao Nakayama of Sega of Japan was also quite the character, as presented in this movie.

  • It does show us how the Nintendo Entertainment System became a success story, and that was great to see.

  • I loved the animated dramatizations that represented the stories told by the interviewees.

  • Seeing all those classic video games commercials, and historical video gaming related footage, was just absolutely awesome.

  • Conclusion of this documentary makes me really want to see a sequel to it. I love seeing all this video game industry backstory historical details put on screen like this.


  • Some Nintendo fans might accuse this movie as being biased and favoring Sega a little more than they think it should have.

  • Actually I wished there were more content from the Nintendo side of the story, than what was shown.

  • There are several things that I wished was talked about in this documentary, but they did not even mention the marketing tagline “Genesis Does what NintenDon’t!” C’mon, how could they not mention one of the best marketing catch phrases from the Sega-Nintendo console wars?!

  • Oh, and sorry TurboGrafx-16, you had a one second appearance in the whole thing.

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Console Wars - watch it on CBS ALL ACCESS

ALL IN: The Fight For Democracy


  • A lesson about the right to vote, explained in an engaging and easily understandable narrative. Wonderful.

  • Stacey Abrams' Parent's words of wisdom.

  • The memorable personal stories told by Stacey.

  • Seeing the video footage of Abrams’ past is great to see. Makes her feel even more personable. A lot of the things she says in this movie are motivating and inspirational.

  • There are tons of great historical footage in this film, and it's still so powerful to see the ones about Bloody Sunday in Selma and the Voting Rights Act.

  • A good section of the film is dedicated to Abrams' gubernatorial run, and it's as emotional to watch as it needed to be.

  • Voter Suppression is an ugly and vile thing, and this documentary effectively tells us why that is via the historical facts presented.


  • Considering a lot of the facts laid out in this film criticizes the Republican party often, it's easy for people to accuse this movie as biased and unfair.

  • I thought more time could have been spent with certain persons interviewed.

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All In : The Fight For Democracy - watch it on PRIME VIDEO

537 Votes


  • This documentary has this fantastic energy to it, through visual tricks involving a lot of historical footage, the soundtrack, plus the fast moving narrative.

  • A huge chunk about the Elian Gonzalez story is covered in this one, and excellently sets the stage for the themes presented in this movie.

  • Interviews added a lot of great commentary to the narrative. They actually got Roger Stone interviewed and admitted to some things!

  • The night of the 2000 election. Classic. Loved seeing the montage of news reports and reactions of that.

  • Seems weird, but using footage from comedy shows like Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, or The Chris Rock Show, on a serious matter such as the US Elections, actually works in favor of relating the mindset of Americans of that time.

  • Butterfly ballots. Hanging Chads. The Brooks Brothers Riot. oh, the memories.

  • If there’s one thing you should be reminded of from this documentary, is that US politics can really get very messy and dirty. There are real serious consequences too.


  • Can be accused of giving this topic too much of a light-hearted atmosphere.

  • Probably biased towards a particular political point of view? Sure.

  • The hypotheticals given at the end of this movie felt a little unfair, and too speculative.

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537 Votes - watch it on HBO

Totally Under Control


  • Probably one of the best documentaries I've seen about the US government’s response to COVID-19.

  • Interviews with the reputable people provided some great and easily comprehensible data.

  • Some of the “classic” COVID-19 related footage that you've seen gone viral on the internet; and some you might not have seen, are quite present here.

  • Even if you've been subjecting yourself with constant COVID-19 news for most of 2020, you're probably going to find some new and relevant things in this film.

  • Appreciated how the documentary lays out it's information, like it's explaining the scene of the crime, step by step.

  • Seeing how the attempt at containing COVID-19 failed in a very concise narrative, makes this documentary captivating to watch.

  • A cautionary tale and a repudiation that should be seen.

  • The captions during the credits.


  • Doesn't cover everything that you hoped would have been addressed in this film.

  • Maybe it's a little too dry of a documentary for some people.

  • Considering that this is still current events (as I’m typing this), it might be disappointing that there isn’t a solid conclusion and resolution to this film.

  • How much doom and gloom from COVID-19 news can you put up with?

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Totally Under Control - watch it on HULU

Watch for FREE now on YouTube until Election Day

The Craft Legacy


  • Although the movie doesn’t make this obvious, but this is in fact a sequel to the original. That knowledge alone gives this movie that little bit of geeky intrigue, considering how the 1996 “The Craft” was a cult film.

  • Cailee Spaeny is great as the lead character Lily, and makes it easy to get invested with her story.

  • The whole first day of school part of the movie, had many memorable and engaging scenes.

  • Montage sequence of using magic in multiple quick scenes, was pretty fun.

  • Biggest pleasant surprise to me was the character arc of Timmy, as played by Nicholas Galitzine.

  • She wasn’t in it as much as I hoped, but Michelle Monaghan was just a delight when she’s on screen.

  • Teenage girls will probably find a lot to relate with the themes of this movie.


  • Needs to be said, but there will be those who will be complaining about the heavy handed themes. They really just were not subtle at all.

  • There are four characters in this witches coven, but this story more or less sidetracked three of them into kinda generic supporting roles.

  • It was like David Duchovny was just phoning it in throughout the whole movie.

  • The final big set piece was underwhelmingly disappointing.

  • Truth be told, I don’t think I was the target audience for this at all. Seems very specifically geared for young adult females only.

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The Craft Legacy - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • It’s creatively a bit different than the previous installment by mashing up the zombie genre with a different apocalyptic genre.

  • The expanded mythology is appreciated.

  • Solid intro sequence to kick off the movie.

  • The SVU driving sequences were pretty cool, plus the huge chase sequence was quite exciting.

  • RC cars.


  • Those expecting this to be more like the previous installment will probably be disappointed that it’s not.

  • Lead character was so underwritten.

  • Plot conveniences, or stupid conveniences. Your pick.

  • I think the Director / Writers were watching too much Mad Max : Fury Road.

loveditenjoyeditlikedit IT'S OKAY itsmehitsterrible

Train To Busan Presents : Peninsula - watch in on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Premise isn't entirely original, but there aren't a lot of movies like this about stressed out pianists. So that gets my attention right there.

  • Ominous, intriguing, and suspenseful.

  • The tense atmosphere and tone works well for this film.

  • That journal. One of the most interesting things about this movie.

  • Sydney Sweeney as Juliet is incredibly dramatic, intense, and carries the movie excellently.

  • Juliet's relationship with her fraternal twin sister Vi; played by the also excellent Madison Iseman, is one of the best plot elements to this movie.

  • The themes and message of this story is not unique, but it's a strong driving force that justifies the plot progression.


  • Due to the plot, several of the decisions certain characters make come off as just dumb, or inexplicably stupid.

  • There seems to be some illogical mistakes in the story telling, that makes it feel like there are plot holes.

  • Some of the plot turns and reveals also felt a bit too cliche.

  • The ending will either frustrate you, or leave you disappointed, depending on how you react to it.

  • If you wanted a scare-fest, then this movie is not what you're looking for.

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Nocturne - watch it on PRIME VIDEO

American Selfie : One Nation Shoots Itself


  • For a movie that has the word “selfie” in it's title, it seems only appropriate that the opening involves duck faces and about waiting hours for the latest iPhone.

  • Footage of protests outside a Trump rally, captures the discourse and division in the USA perfectly, and that carries on throughout the film.

  • There were some incredible imagery that fits very well with the narrative.

  • Has a great story structure that moves things along via the months, different cities, and states. Once it hits March in New York, you know what direction this film is going.

  • Loved the questions asked by the interviewer and by this documentary.

  • Several of the one liner commentaries and answers were prophetic, insightful, and powerful.

  • I liked how this documentary succinctly focuses on the many different aspects, realities, and points of views about America today.


  • While the tone of this documentary attempts to show both sides, it clearly leans towards one side more, and that will rub some people the wrong way.

  • It's easy to complain that this film does not cover everything it should, but I suppose that can't be helped.

  • At times it feels like it spends too long on a subject, and sometimes it feels like it doesn't spend enough time on another.

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American Selfie - watch it on SHOWTIME

Over The Moon


  • Cute premise with a bunch of random elements and creative imagination that I found quite entertaining.

  • I appreciated this animated movie’s pop-modern sensibilities and absurd sense of humor.

  • It’s visually spectacular, and an incredibly colorful animated movie, that would look great on your 4K TV with HDR support.

  • Has some spectacular set pieces, from the rocket ship montage, Ultraluminary concert, ping-pong challenge, to a particular chase sequence, plus more.

  • Certain emotional beats worked really well.

  • Excellent cast of Asian-American actors, with Cathy Ang, Robert G. Chiu, Phillipa Soo, Ken Jeong, plus more.

  • The overall heartfelt thematic message is laudable for a kid’s movie.

  • Rabbits. Lions. Frogs. Mooncakes. Chow Chow.


  • I hope it doesn’t bother you too much, because although this is a cartoon, there is a lot about it that are just absolute nonsense and unexplainable.

  • Expect some familiar and expected plot tropes to pop up.

  • The story and narrative really needed to be fleshed out more.

  • While the songs aren’t bad at all, they don’t necessarily stand out or are truly memorable enough.

  • Some people might take issue with this interpretation of the Chang’e legend.

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Over The Moon - watch it on NETFLIX