Fear of Rain


  • Right from the beginning, this film does what it can to throw you on a loop into wondering what to make of it, and that continues through the rest of the movie. 

  • Carries an air of suspense in the sense that you're constantly expecting the unexpected thing to happen. Adds to that creepy thriller factor that the movie has at times. 

  • Narrative-wise, it lays down several mysterious plot elements that should compel you enough to want to see it through until the conclusion. 

  • Madison Iseman is excellent in her role as Rain Burroughs. She makes it easy to root for her character here. She's easily the best thing about this movie. 

  • Several of the best moments of this film are the heavy scenes where Iseman gets to really shine as a dramatic actress. Bravo! 

  • Israel Broussard as Caleb, brings some nice light-heartedness to the movie and to the character of Rain herself.

  • I liked the visual and aural touches that attempt to demonstrate Rain's mindset as someone with schizophrenia.

  • While it seems like the film only really gives you a taste of what schizophrenia is, it at least demonstrates how serious mental health should be treated.


  • Rain's got ridiculously sharp scratches. 

  • There's just that bit of predictability to the narrative that might ruin it for you. 

  • The plot conveniences and inconsistencies makes the movie a little manipulative. 

  • Tonally can be all over the place at times, like there are two different movies mashed into one here. 

  • Some parts of the story can feel a little too unbelievable for my taste.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Fear of Rain - watched it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Premise covers such a powerful topic and a strong social commentary of the fragility of economic stability, and the spirit of living a nomadic life. 

  • Narrative for this story was almost like it could very well have just been a documentary. The background history of Empire, Nevada, as told in the opening is a true story after all.

  • Monologues. There are some really good ones here. 

  • Frances McDormand is powerfully nuanced in her role as Fern. 

  • David Strathairn is solid as always, as his character Dave. 

  • Real life nomads Linda May, Swankie, Derek Endres, and Bob Wells, were an excellent addition and resource for this movie. 

  • Vanguard the Van really is like a character on it's own. 

  • There are lots of little scenes, montages, vignettes, nature filled visuals, intimate moments, that are beautifully shared with us

  • “I’m not homeless, I’m just houseless.” 

  • There's a lot of important knowledge that you can learn just from watching this film. 

  • Evocative, insightful, and emotional.

  • Is this a story about survival? Sure. It's also a movie about life, humanity, and nature.


  • The narrative can feel a little aimless. 

  • Considering the premise of this film, some people might find this boring.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Nomadland - watched it on HULU

I Care A Lot


  • Fascinating premise. The fact that the scam presented in this film is actually something that happens in the real world is a horrible thing. Horrible thing. 

  • The narrative purposefully makes you feel conflicted with how you want the movie to conclude, but it was definitely compelling and engaging. 

  • Rosamund Pike is phenomenal as Marla Grayson. She really brings her despicably capable strong-willed character to life. She is the reason to see this movie. 

  • Dianne Wiest is spectacular as Jennifer Peterson, and her scenes with Rosamund Pike are great. 

  • Peter Dinklage. Excellent actor. What’s not to like about him? 

  • Eiza González is excellent in this as Fran, and brings a good balance to Pike’s character. 

  • The scene where Dean Ericson, played fantastically by Chris Messina, has a talk with Marla Grayson is just perfect. 

  • “Let’s just say you’ll not be comfortable, or uncomfortable ever again.” 

  • There aren't a lot of action sequences in this movie, but the one they did have was pretty exciting. 

  • More scenes with Rosamund Pike and Peter Dinklage please.


  • It’s a movie that’s mostly filled with detestable individuals. I mean, who do you root for? 

  • Some conveniences and liberties taken that cheapens the story a bit. 

  • A couple of plot details that kinda just didn’t make sense to me at all. 

  • I get a hint of some war of the sexes theme here within the story, that I didn’t particularly think was necessary. 

  • There are people who will take away the wrong message from this film.

  • Wasn’t completely satisfied with the conclusion.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

I Care A Lot - watched it on NETFLIX

Happy Cleaners


  • The very relatable premise should hit home with a lot of families. The generation gap differences, the bickering, and some dysfunctionality, definitely might feel familiar. 

  • Within the first 10 minutes, you completely get a feel of the family dynamics. Grabs you into these characters’ lives immediately. 

  • The plot progression should definitely keep you engaged to see it through. 

  • A lot of the dialogue and the interactions between the family were one of the best things about this film. Felt as real as it gets. 

  • The cast of the Choi Family is excellent in this. Hyang-hwa Lim, Yun Jeong, Yeena Sung, and Charles Ryu. Kudos! 

  • Talking about food recipes. Making meals. Visuals of food. Eating. All that was very entertaining to me, but it also made me quite hungry. 

  • I greatly appreciated the fact that this movie focuses on the topic of having your own local business, and the struggles that come from trying to survive at it. It’s the American dream, and “Anything is possible if you work your ass off.” Heck, It’s the Asian-American dream too! 

  • Unsurprisingly, there are scenes that get very emotional. Sympathetic and empathetic. This film has a lot of heart. 

  • It’s not without some delightful bits of levity thrown here and there. I enjoyed them.  

  • Thematically covers several good topics, about family, responsibility, perseverance, culture, and about life as an immigrant. 

  • Insightful. Compelling. Heartbreaking. Heartwarming. Solid film all around by filmmakers Julian Kim, Peter S. Lee, and Kat Kim. Kamsahamnida!


  • It’s not exactly a uniquely unfamiliar family drama, it simply has a straightforward narrative, and there’s nothing flashy, stylish, or anything like that. So I suppose it can be accused of not being the most exciting movie to watch. Depends on your perspective of course. 

  • Those who hate reading subtitles might find the mixed language format distracting.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Happy Cleaners - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar


  • Two and a half minutes into this movie, and I'm already thinking "what the hell am I watching? This is not what I expected." Nice. 

  • Right from that beginning, it has an energetically infectiously daffy tone that carries throughout the whole story. 

  • There's an unpredictability to the narrative that I completely appreciated. 

  • The humor is on point! From tongue in cheek fun, to laugh out loud hilarity. 

  • Tons of absurd silliness, cartoony nonsense, and ridiculous stupidity. 

  • Wacky bizarre weird imagery and visual gags galore. 

  • Quick steady pacing that's like watching sketch comedy skits back to back to back. 

  • Dialogue is top notch for this kind of movie. Kudos to the screenwriting over all. 

  • Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo are absolutely fabulously fantastic! 

  • Gotta give Jamie Dornan credit here. He's really pushing himself, but he knows what kind of movie he is in, and makes it work! 

  • Reyn Doi as Yoyo. 

  • "Edgar’s Prayer." 

  • Richard Cheese. 

  • A flashback sequence that I'm pretty sure is unlike anything I've ever seen. 

  • Love. Friendship. Adventure. 

  • Culottes are women's trousers, usually calf length, cut full to resemble a skirt. Typically worn by women in their middle age years.


  • It's a bunch of silliness, nonsense, and stupidity. I won't blame you if this movie isn't for you. 

  • If you think Jamie Dornan was out of his league here, well I wouldn't blame you there too. 

  • Comedy is subjective, so there's that as well. 

  • There’s a story arc that isn’t exactly original.

  • It can be argued that it loses its momentum at a certain point. 

  • "Darlie Bunkle." Probably the only joke that I didn't think was that funny.

LOVED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar - watched it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Willy's Wonderland


  • The premise is Nicolas Cage vs killer mascots. C'mon, it's Nicolas Cage vs killer mascots! What more do you want? 

  • Nicolas Cage plays the very silent type male character here, but don't think that's going to stop him from going Full Nic Cage. That's what you want. That's what you get. 

  • This movie's got Beth Grant and Emily Tosta in the supporting cast. Nice. 

  • Kudos to the creature work in making these killer mascots. I'm sure employees of Chuck E. Cheese appreciates this. 

  • Some fun over the top depictions of violence here. 

  • Embracing the absurdity of the whole movie, and finding the levity with it was key to delivering the trashy entertainment factor here.

  • Just leave the man alone, he just wants to clean the place! Plus make sure to take your task-free breaks on time. 

  • Nic Cage is a pinball wizard.


  • Admittedly, the movie is unbelievably ridiculous. Hope you don't mind. 

  • I suppose it can get a bit repetitive at a certain point. 

  • Supporting characters making incredibly stupid decisions can be annoying. 

  • Some inconsistencies. 

  • I guess production costs might be the issue, but the fight scenes; while enjoyable to see, can feel a little unfulfilling in the end.

lovedit ENJOYED IT itlikedititssokayitsmehitsterrible

Willy’s Wonderland - watched it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


  • I'm aware that I'm already spoiling it (unless the trailer already did it before for me) but this is a time loop movie. I love time loop movies! This one has fresh ideas to offer to the genre too.

  • Gotta appreciate that this movie wastes no time jumping right into the fact that the time loop premise is already happening. Efficient. 

  • The highly choreographed opening sequence is a delight to watch. 

  • Kyle Allen is entertaining and charming as Mark. He gets to do the things we might want to do in his situation. 

  • Kathryn Newton is good at being coy and enigmatic as Margaret. She brings a bit of unpredictability to the plot. 

  • Part of the fun in watching this is to discover what Mark and Margaret do and see in this movie. The crazier the better.

  • It's sentimental, sweet, and thoughtful. 

  • There are some nice levity in this film too, like Anna Mikami and a beach ball, plus some humorous driving scenes. 

  • That third act. 

  • Pop culture jokes and references leans more towards nerd-geek culture, and I'm totally okay with that! 

  • Main themes of this story, and those tiny perfect things. Worthwhile. 

  • Would be a perfect double feature paired with "Palm Springs."


  • I suppose if you consider every time loop movie post Groundhog Day a rip-off… 

  • This is more of a very earnest time loop movie from the perspective of youths, so it might not be as exciting as you might want it to be. 

  • There are some bits that do seem unbelievable. Even with the premise in mind. 

  • Consequences?!

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things - watched it on PRIME VIDEO

Judas and the Black Messiah


  • Fascinating historical dramatization that feels so relevant to today. 

  • Narrative is more complicated and challenging than it may at first appear to be. That's a good thing here. 

  • Movie's title is perfectly appropriate. 

  • There are some incredible speeches and monologues here. 

  • Lakeith Stanfield is good as Bill O'Neal, and has one of the main plots that compels you to see what happens to his character. 

  • Daniel Kaluuya is fantastic as Fred Hampton and truly lives us to the film's title of "Black Messiah." 

  • There are certain powerful scenes that perfectly capture the charisma and conviction of Chairman Fred. 

  • Excellent supporting cast that includes Dominique Fishback as Deborah Johnson, Jesse Plemons as Mitchell, and more. 

  • Thought provoking with its social and political commentaries. 

  • I can easily call this film another rallying cry to "Defund the Police," that shows white oppression, and systemic racism.


  • Narrative short cuts with the story and characters keep us from getting the complete picture of what and who we are watching. 

  • There's a particular shootout that seemed… unbelievable? 

  • The villains of this story may be too cartoonishly evil. 

  • Michael Sheen's prosthetic makeup seemed unnecessary.

  • You’re going to hate this if you’re one of those “Blue Lives Matter” folks.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Judas and the Black Messiah - watch it on HBO MAX

To All The Boys: Always and Forever


  • For fans of this series of movies, I'd like to say that this entree hits the landing! 

  • Premise and plot line takes us to more interesting and thoughtful situations. 

  • To all the High School Seniors transitioning to College. This is totally a movie for you. 

  • Locations! Locations! Locations! I love that the settings take a huge role in the story here. 

  • Lana Condor continues to be spot on as the neurotic and hopelessly romantic Lara Jean. 

  • Can Noah Centineo be any more adorable as Peter? C'mon now! 

  • Supporting cast is excellent! Anna Cathcart, Madeleine Arthur, Janel Parrish, and the rest.

  • Kitty met a boy. Cute subplot. 

  • Kudos to the editing, because there are some awesome montages in this. 

  • Song choices and pop culture references. Fun stuff! 

  • Has heart, perfect sentiments, earnest, hopeful, and is emotional when needed. 

  • Truly this movie cements the fact that Lara Jean and Peter is one of the best romantic movie couples of a new generation.


  • Doesn't exactly break new grounds. Nor is it that ambitious of an ending to the trilogy. 

  • Some predictable tropes, but it's not too bad. 

  • While insightful in it's own ways, this isn't exactly a super thought provoking film. 

  • If Lara Jean has always annoyed you, then this isn't going to change that.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

To All The Boys: Always and Forever - watch it on NETFLIX

Paradise Cove


  • Has a simple enough premise that manages to play on a lot of people’s fears. Good job. 

  • Harkens back to those modestly budgeted suspense dramas from the ‘80s and ‘90s about a dangerous individual terrorizing a couple. If you’re in the mood for that, then this just might be perfect for you.

  • Slow methodical pacing that builds up that suspenseful tension. 

  • Kristin Bauer van Straten is fantastic as Bree! Intimidating and scary as needed to be. 

  • Todd Grinnell is great as Knox. The guy you just want to yell “what the hell are you thinking?!” and at the same time hope he gets himself out of this predicament. 

  • Speaking of getting out of a predicament. Mena Suvari is excellent as Tracey. Very sympathetic and a character you can’t help but root for. 

  • Seeing just how much chaos and damage Bree is able to do in this movie, will compel you more than enough to see how this plays out. 

  • Terrifying story indeed. You’re going to be glad you’re watching it as a movie, and not living it in real life.


  • Yes, it’s a bit familiar, and there are the usual expected cliches. 

  • Some conveniences and conceits that’s kinda cheating. 

  • Certain unbelievable plot moments that just boggles the mind. 

  • There are some positively stupid decisions made that might frustrate you too much. 

  • Ending might not be as satisfying as you might hope it would be. 

  • doesthedogdie.com

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Paradise Cove - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND