Episode 186 (38 mins 44 secs) Despite the fact that Albert and Jiaming hasn’t read the manga or seen the anime that this movie is based on, did they enjoy watching “BLEACH” anyway? How does this adaptation bring the manga/anime to live-action, and how does it compare to others? Would they want to see more of this? They also diverge into a general discussion about anime tropes, which is always a fascinating topic to talk about. What do you think? Take a listen!
03:33 - full spoilers starts here
10:53 - detours into anime tropes discussion
16:01 - back to Bleach
28:42 - Credits
29:55 - After Credits - Sony’s Into The Spider-verse, Marvel TV shows, Netflix, Disney streaming service
- support The Y Axes’ indiegogo campaign for their album “No Waves”
Jiaming Liou
Albert Patrick
"I Saw That Movie" blog
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast
Extra Stuff Extra Spoils
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Music provided by The Y Axes
This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin
More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at whowhatwhereswhy.com