Obama Trump

Episode 110  (51 mins  45 secs)  oh boy, Jiaming and Albert did a whole episode about the very incendiary topic that is politics. To be more specific, they talk about the 44th President of the United States; Barack Obama, and the 45th US President, Donald Trump. Things are said. Names are called. Be warned when listening to this, for those who are overly-sensitive or easily offended by such a discussion. 

02:04 - Obama
19:43 - Trump
45:41 - Credits and Plugs
47:56 - After Credits - Final thoughts 

- The Daily Dot on Obama's accomplishments 
US stats at the end of Obama's Presidency 
- President CEO 
- I regret my choice 
- Historic low approval rating of Pres-elect Trump 
- Trump's inauguration by the numbers  
- The 2017 Prediction episode that is referred to 

Jiaming Liou  
Spoilers Pleeze podcast  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
Spoilers Pleeze podcast  

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