Abusive behavior

When it hits the news that a well known person like a celebrity, politician, or an incredibly wealthy person, has been accused of abuse, the first thing that comes to mind is that somebody was sexually and/or physically abused. You're then expecting to see the hashtag #MeToo show up on social media. People will then talk about how it shouldn’t have happened. Complaints about people abusing their position of power are shared. Then there will be demand that it needs to stop. 

That's what comes to mind when somebody famous is accused of abuse. However, there's something else that needs to be addressed when it comes to the topic, that we seem to have accepted as part of society. It’s the kind of abuse that doesn't even need to get to a sexual or physical nature. 

I’m talking about being mean.
I’m talking about making disparaging remarks.
I’m talking about using derogatory phrases. 
I’m talking about cruelty. 
I’m talking about being dismissive. 
I’m talking about applying peer pressure. 
I’m talking about exerting authority. 
I’m talking about manipulation. 
I’m talking about thoughtlessness. 
I’m talking about rudeness.
I’m talking about being inappropriate. 

I would argue that those are legitimate examples of abuse as well, and are usually a combination of them. I’m sure you’ve witnessed and or experienced one of those, at your workplace, your school, your friends, and your family. 

Isn’t it abuse when your friends or family make you do something you know isn’t right? 
Isn’t it abuse when your classmates make fun of you or pick on you? 
Isn’t it abuse when your boss at work designates all the horrible assignments only to you, and plays favorites with your other co-workers? 

You probably thought that the person was just being mean, and that you hate having to put up with it. Somebody probably said that if you didn’t tolerate it, then you are being weak, thin skinned, or too sensitive. It’s then suggested that you need to work hard, so you can be in a position where you don’t have to take it anymore, and in turn be able to dish it out yourself. It might also be implied that you weren’t abused at all, and it’s your own fault if you think it was. 

“Hey! I’m just joking. Don’t get mad.” 
“Calm down, I meant no harm, why are you getting so upset?” 
“Look, I’m having a bad day, so don’t get on my nerves.” 

So if there was no physical or sexual harm, no hate crimes, nothing technically illegal was done, and that all you have to do is to not be the victim, then are some people correct when they say that those aren’t actual examples of abuse?

I think that’s the problem though. 

There’s a reason these “acceptable” forms of abuse have become an endless cycle through the generations. There are too many people perpetrating them, and not enough people speaking up against them. Those examples of abuse are a behavioral issue that people have just been conditioned to accept as a fact of life. As long as you are in a position of power, you can do and say whatever you want. Right? Just look at the recent popular example in the news of people complaining about abuse by Producer/Director/Writer Joss Whedon. Heck, just look at former President Donald Trump and what happened there

So yes. I absolutely think those examples given are true forms of abuse. Just because somebody wasn’t physically assaulted, sexually harassed, or called racist terms, doesn’t make them any less abusive. The result is still the same. It causes trauma to a person at the receiving end of those actions, that will have a lasting negative effect for the rest of their life. All because somebody thought their acceptable toxic behavior was “righteous” or “harmless.” 

No matter how minimal and mild it may seem, or it supposedly being a justified action, any form of abuse is not harmless, and it has to stop. 

Right now, the most popular method of trying to hold people accountable from their abusive behavior that doesn’t involve legal or criminal actions is to “cancel them.” Get rid of their public presence, ruin them financially, and cease support of their work. Hopefully that gives others the idea to not be abusive. However, the problem is that it’s still a reactive form of action, and only gives abusers the idea that they just have to try harder not to get caught. 

We need to be more proactive in stopping the abuse from happening in the first place. We need to tell people not to be abusive. We need to teach ourselves (I include myself there), to try to avoid such toxic behavior. We need to encourage people to consider the well being of others.

That lesson starts at home. It continues in school. It’s applied to where we play. It’s enforced at the workplace. It’s performed in life. 

If you need just one simple reminder to not be an abuser, then it’s this... 

Be nice. Don’t be mean.

P.S. I didn’t even address the internet, and we all know how much abuse goes on in social media, YouTube, news + opinion websites, and more.

Has to be said

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that during 2020, I’ve started becoming a lot more vocal about politics, and shared many related posts on my Stories. Recently, I’ve been keeping a tab on some opinions I’ve shared on that platform, and will continue to do so. I thought I’d share those thoughts here as well…


To Republicans,

For the few decades that I’ve been aware that there is a solid difference between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Republicans, I have for the most part been very cordial between the two sides. 2020 was the year that I had to actually “pick a side,” and I chose the side that wasn’t persistently denying multiple topics; COVID-19, systemic racism, the election, and economic inequalities. Then January 6, 2021, happened, and now I also have to add accountability to that list.

Republicans, what the heck happened to you? You are supposed to be the party of financial responsibility, accountability, and state rights. Lately however, you seem to be the party that supports tax cuts for the rich in spite of the national deficit, believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories, and are okay with breaking the rules to commit sedition. The Democrats are actually the ones being responsible enough to step up to help Americans financially during a pandemic, are all about facts over unsubstantiated speculation, and want accountability on those who commit a crime.

Did Trump and QAnon completely brainwash the party, or at the least implode it? Don’t you Republicans realize that your continual act of denial and defiance against facts and the well being of all Americans, are making you out to be the bad guys, and not these supposed revolutionary saviors of the USA?

Seventy percent of Republicans believe that Joe Biden stole the election! Seventy percent!

To you Republicans who still don't believe Biden legitimately won the 2020 Presidential election, you have the right to just never vote again. Your lack of faith in the voting system of American Democracy is unbecoming. If you actually believe that there is widespread voter fraud that would actually affect the outcome of the electoral votes for the US President (but somehow not the results of the Senate / Congressional races?), then you just outed yourself as somebody who shows no faith and no respect to all those American ballot counters, and is outright undermining the American voting system that represents the Democracy of the USA. How Un-American of you.

How dare you Republicans spread fake news about widespread voter fraud. What are you, triggered and acting like a snowflake who can't accept the LEGAL results of the election, that have been validated and verified by even the top Republican officials? If this election fraud conspiracy actually existed, don’t you realize how many people would have to be involved, and how many loose ends that would create that could easily prove it happened? Don’t you realize how ridiculous your election fraud claims sound? Why don't you just move to Russia if you want to have an Authoritarian Totalitarian President that much?     

Of course, for those Republicans in charge who actually know for a fact that Democrats just simply outvoted Republicans in the 2020 Presidential election, they now want to make it even harder for people to vote, by creating more restrictions on this act of United States democracy. What an unsurprising move.

Speaking of unsurprising. Remember when you Republicans said that COVID-19 was just a “plandemic” conspiracy, that was made-up for political reasons, and would immediately just “go away” right after the election? Hey! It’s literally Months after the election! Coronavirus is still here you idiots! You anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, facts denying imbeciles! If you don’t believe in the vast majority of Health professionals who say COVID-19 is real, and that you should take precautions to curtail the spread of this virus, then never ever go to a Doctor or go to the Hospital for your health! Don’t be a hypocrite. You either believe in the science or you don’t.

You Republicans love saying that COVID-19 is nothing more than the flu (over 49k die of influenza a year), with a survival rate of 98% or whatever you want to comfort yourselves with. First off, that’s very disrespectful to the 439k plus of Americans who have died from COVID-19, and the family and friends who have to suffer from the loss. Secondly, don’t you remember what happens when you get the flu? You’re told to stay home, so you don’t infect others. You know like social distancing? You’re told to take flu medicine to get better. You know like taking the COVID vaccine? When people around you find out you have the flu, they say “don’t get me sick,” “stay away from me,” hinting that you shouldn’t be around people, and if you are, then you may as well wear a mask so you don’t spread it around! If you have the flu, you’re not hanging out with other people, and purposefully denying health advice. Double standards much?

You want to compare COVID-19 to other things that cause death? Alright here we go… Over 650k die of Heart disease a year. It’s constantly promoted to eat healthy and exercise. Heart disease is not contagious. About 600k die of cancer a year. There are warning labels about cancerous products, and there’s treatment for those affected. Cancer is not contagious. Over 173k die of unintentional injuries a year. We have safety guidelines that ranges from work classes, safety-belt laws, to simple common sense. Unintentional injuries are not contagious. Over 150k die of stroke or cerebrovascular disease a year. Experts remind you to live a healthy life, and there are even guidelines to follow. Strokes are not contagious. Over 120k die of Alzheimer’s a year. There are also guidelines to follow to minimize the risk. Alzheimer’s is not contagious. Over 87k die of diabetes a year. Eat healthier and exercise. Diabetes is not contagious. Over 51k die of Nephritis; kidney inflammation, a year. Living a healthier lifestyle is suggested. Nephritis is not contagious. Over 47k die of suicide a year. Encouraging mental health is advised. Suicide is not contagious. These are leading causes of death in the USA. None of these mentioned are contagious, but they do have procedures and treatment to deal with them that are generally accepted by everybody.

So let’s have this addition to that list now. Over 439k died of COVID-19 so far. Social distancing, wearing masks, and taking the COVID vaccine, are what is advised by the experts. Coronavirus is in fact contagious. Do you really want to minimize coronavirus by comparing it to other forms of death now?

The United States of America is essentially at war against COVID-19! What do you do in war? You soldier-up, join forces, take precautions, go into battle with a strategy to win against the enemy. Well, the enemy has killed 439k plus, and you’re just letting it happen!

Why do you Republicans refuse to take COVID-19 seriously? I thought you were all about the strength of the economy. You know what happens during a pandemic? The economy tanks. You know this for a fact, because that’s exactly what happened in 2020. If Trump really wanted to save the economy, then he should have done everything he can to not let the pandemic get out of control. The irony here is that China has finally overtaken the United States as the world’s leading destination for foreign direct investment. That’s right, new investments by overseas businesses into the U.S., which for decades held the No. 1 spot, fell 49% in 2020, as the country struggled to curb the spread of the new coronavirus and economic output slumped. You see that people? High COVID numbers equals a bad economy. Do your part Americans!

Speaking of the economy, you Republicans are all about that trickle-down economics right? Cut taxes for the rich, and money is supposed to flow down to the middle-class and poor? Well… “In a new study, David Hope of the London School of Economics and Julian Limberg of King’s College London lay waste to the theory. They reviewed data over the last half-century in advanced economies and found that tax cuts for the rich widened inequality without having any significant effect on jobs or growth. Nothing trickled down.” Billionaires actually gained $1 Trillion of wealth during this pandemic, despite the fact that Millions of Americans lost their jobs and are in danger of being destitute. The stock market actually went up, while millions are lining up in food banks! That’s crazy!

Don’t you Republicans dare deflect by saying that the economy will be even worse under a Democrat President. The past several decades have proven that Republican Presidents have a habit of tanking the US economy, and it takes a Democrat to save it, time and time again.

You want to talk taxes now? Remember that 2017 “Tax Cut and Jobs Act” that you Republicans and Trump passed? Well, those tax cuts are designed to decrease in the span of 8 years. By 2027, Taxpayers with incomes of $75,000 and under (65 percent of taxpayers) will face a higher tax rate than they did in 2019. Gotta make up for those Tax cuts for the rich right? So are you going to keep claiming that only Democrats raise taxes? Now put another tidbit into perspective… In the 1950s and 1960s, when the economy was booming, the wealthiest Americans paid a top income tax rate of 91%. Today, the top rate is 37%. On the subject of the past, do you know how much the federal minimum wage would actually be, if it had kept pace with productivity? $24! How much is it now? $7.25! Do you Republicans really want to help fight against economic inequality? Then stop being selfish, and tax the rich. Let’s make it actually fair for all Americans.

About Americans. So called Americans on January 6, 2021, thought they were going to “save the country” via insurrection in the US Capitol, because they wanted to prevent the constitutional act of confirming the electoral college votes for the US President? How can any American justify this attack of American democracy? An attack that would not have happened if Trump and his cronies did not incite the mob to go for it.

This Trump mob storming the US Capitol is the height of privilege. Their guy losing an election is enough reason for them to try and commit insurrection against the American government? People of other countries have far far far more legitimate reasons to be actual true revolutionaries. Shame on these traitors of American Democracy!

I know you Republicans love your whataboutisms. Since you want to justify January 6, 2021, you compare it to the Black Lives Matter movement protests in 2020, let me just say this. You can’t equate an insurrection to protests! You can’t equate trying to overthrow the American Government, to opportunistic people that cause the lootings and burnings. You can’t equate those traitors of American Democracy, to the real patriots fighting for equal rights!

The vast majority of people in the BLM movement actually want peaceful; albeit disruptive, protests. They don’t actually condone the looting and burnings. BLM have been seen to have actually protected businesses against such violent acts. Unlike Trump who continually encourage his supporters to get more violent. To further clarify the different stances, on May 31, 2020, Biden released a statement that said protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response." “But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.” With that said, during January 6. 2021, members of the mob were actually proud that they stormed the US Capitol for Trump’s sake. As usual, Trump only claimed to condemn the violent acts hours after the fact (he usually takes days), when it’s already too late, as he wants to give his supporters a wink and a nod that he is just saying that to appease the critics (stand back and stand by).

Trump and his cronies should be held responsible for the deaths and damage done that day. Congress did the right thing by impeaching him for a second time BEFORE he left office. The conviction needs to happen to finalize that, but politics once again is influencing the decisions of the Republican politicians. All because they don’t want to lose votes and monetary contributions. Cowards!

For those who believe Trump should not be convicted on his impeachment, let me ask you this… Do you not believe in accountability? It’s the reason we imprison those who commit crimes. It’s the reason we punish kids for bad behavior. It’s the reason we have rules and laws. If Trump doesn’t get convicted, it opens the door for future lame-duck Presidents to do whatever they want to undermine an upcoming administration. Do you really want that?

You Republicans cry that Democrats needs “to move on for the sake of unity, and not create more division.” You know what? Attempting to throw away 81.2 Million votes for Joe Biden isn’t exactly an act of unity, but it is definitely an act for division. You Republicans simply have not been very convincing that you actually want unity. What you want is for Democrats to just give in to all your demands. That's not unity, that's an unhealthy toxic abusive relationship.

If you’ve read this far down, and actually are a Republican… Did I offend you? Did I trigger you? Did I hurt your feelings? Let me ask you these now… Why is it, the Democrats always have to worry about not hurting the feelings of Republicans? Always having to be the one to reach across the aisle? Always having to worry about whether conservatives are going to cry or be upset. Who is the real snowflake here?

You Republicans need to do a bit of soul-searching and figure out what happened to your party. Ask yourselves why you are getting all these push-back from your fellow Americans. Ask yourselves how far you’ll go for unsubstantiated speculative conspiracy theories that have no basis in facts. Ask yourselves why during the Trump Presidency, the global image of the USA has declined in embarrassing fashion. Ask yourselves if you’re even the Republican party, or the Trump MAGA party, or the QAnon party. Ask yourselves why I said everything I said in this lengthy blog post, and consider the fact that all the points I have made couldn’t possibly be all lies. Right?


Relevant links found on this post…

Movies from 2020 I've seen

Those who know me by now, know that every year, I keep tabs on all the new release movies I’ve seen from the given year. In 2017, I was able to see 152 movies. In 2018, I was able to see 162 movies. In 2019, I was able to see 145 movies. For the Year 2020, I was able to see 175 movies! That’s right, this is a personal record for me. I was able to see all that, even though movie theaters were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was able to see all that, even though I had to rely on streaming services for the majority of those films. I was able to see all that, even though many studios have delayed their big blockbuster releases to 2021 and beyond.

Truth be told, a lot of these movies I’ve seen are mostly from the “indie film” variety, or ones you would normally watch when it has a home release. However, movies are movies, and out of those 175 titles I’ve seen, I can wholeheartedly recommend at least 102 of them. You don’t need to rely on blockbusters to enjoy watching movies.

So as it goes every year. I share with you a list of the top favorite movies I enjoyed and loved. For 2020, I’d like to share my top 50. If you don’t see one of your favorites on this list, keep in mind that this is based on my own personal tastes. Also, there are still several movies that I have yet to see, as I couldn’t watch them on the big screen as I normally would during “Oscar season;” which BTW is technically extended until February 2021 but we’re sticking with a solid 2020 rule here. To specify, those movies that I wished I was able to see before I made this list are… Judas and the Black Messiah, Minari, News Of The World, Nomadland, One Night In Miami, Pieces of a Woman, Promising Young Woman, plus many more.

Alright, with all that said, here are my top 50 movies from 2020 that I found I really liked. It is purely ranked and based on me asking myself the question “would I watch this movie over that movie?” So this is my personal list, and I’m not specifically judging the actual filmmaking qualities of the movies (although there are some legitimately great ones here). I hope you find this list useful when you are looking for something to watch.

  1. Palm Springs 

  2. Hamilton 

  3. The Half of it 

  4. Wolfwalkers 

  5. Run 

  6. Words on Bathroom Walls 

  7. Freaky 

  8. Soul 

  9. Spontaneous 

  10. Boys State 

  11. Black Bear 

  12. Enola Holmes  

  13. Love and Monsters 

  14. Come To Daddy 

  15. Host 

  16. Opening Act 

  17. Console Wars 

  18. The Call Of The Wild 

  19. Possessor Uncut 

  20. Onward 

  21. Color Out Of Space 

  22. The Invisible Man 

  23. Babyteeth 

  24. The Rest Of Us 

  25. Murder In The Front Row 

  26. Banana Split 

  27. Kajillionaire 

  28. Sound of Metal 

  29. Happiest Season 

  30. The Prom 

  31. Superman: Red Son 

  32. Unpregnant 

  33. Clouds 

  34. The Broken Hearts Gallery 

  35. Bill & Ted Face The Music 

  36. A Whisker Away 

  37. The Lovebirds 

  38. Black Box 

  39. The Old Guard 

  40. TENET 

  41. We Bare Bears The Movie 

  42. Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 

  43. Time To Hunt (Sanyangeui sigan) 

  44. Saint Frances 

  45. The Willoughbys 

  46. Swallow 

  47. My Spy 

  48. Uncle Frank 

  49. #alive 

  50. Save Yourselves!

25 blue 25 red

That felt like the longest 3rd of November that I’ve ever experienced. It was like one day was stretched to five days. Of course I’m referring to the 2020 Presidential elections of Trump vs Biden, and how we didn’t have an official President-elect until the morning of November 7.

For comparison, I did experience the Gore vs W Bush election in 2000, but I was nowhere near as invested with politics as I am now. In hindsight, I really should have, as there’s an argument to be made that Trump becoming the 45th President can be directly linked back to that election, but I’m not going there now.

Right now, we’re still reeling from how the 2020 Elections went. There were a lot of assumptions, and many of them did not come true. Liberals thought it was going to be this big “Blue Wave” of Democrats dominating the landscape. Conservatives were confident that Trump was going to win big, and surprise the naysayers with their undeniable Republican victory. Neither were entirely correct. I myself expected it to be a much closer race, with Trump getting 259 Electoral college votes, and Biden getting 279 (apparently I didn’t have much faith with Arizona and Georgia). As of this writing, by the time all the votes have been counted, it’s looking like Trump is going to get 232 electoral votes, and Biden is getting 306.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the protests following the murder of George Floyd, addressing Climate Change, were supposed to be the driving force to vote Trump out of office. The promise of a strong economy, law & order, and the fight against “Big Government,” was supposed to get Trump re-elected. In the end, the Democrats didn’t get all this support that they were expecting (but still won), and the Republicans actually got even more support than in 2016 (but still lost the Presidency).

So what happened?

Political analysts can study this more thoroughly, but let this layman try and share to you what I thought were the actual three issues on the ballot. Misinformation, self-preservation, and the lack of empathy. You can point out specific issues like the coronavirus, the economy, or how Trump conducts himself as the President of the United States, but all that links to those three things. Misinformation. Self-preservation. Lack of empathy.

“We the people of the United States of America,” are not all-in with the “WE” aspect of that phrase anymore. We think we are, but we’re really not at the moment. It’s all about fighting the other team now, and going for the win. It’s all about being defensive against the hurtful accusations. No more reaching across the aisle. It’s the “our side” is better for the country mentality.

For the amount of times somebody accuses another of being racist, somebody else is calling another unpatriotic. One side believes in science more, the other side thinks they are fear mongers. Democrats are socialists! Republicans are fascists! We need to fix the economy! We’re fighting to save our jobs! The Police are killing people! The Police are needed for our security! Pro-Choice! Pro-Life! Trump is a wannabe autocratic bully! Trump is politically incorrect, because he just like us regular guys!

You read something on social media of your preferred news source, and you automatically assume you’ve read the truth, and everybody else doesn’t know what they are talking about. You justify your actions, because you are only trying to do what is right to survive in this cruel world. You are fighting for what you believe in, and you think that’s for the betterment of everyone, even if you just think everyone doesn’t realize it yet.

Not progressive enough! Too progressive!
Not moderate enough! Too moderate!
Not conservative enough! Too conservative!

All that, plus more, comes down to those three issues I mentioned. Misinformation, self-preservation, and the lack of empathy. What needs to be done? How do we solve these issues? Well first off, you need to be vigilant in questioning the validity of the information you are getting. Secondly, you need to make more of an effort to take care of strangers, just as much as you want to take care of yourself, family, and friends. Thirdly, you need to earnestly ask the question “why” more often, about why some of your fellow Americans think the opposite of what you think.

President-Elect Joe Biden also has a suggestion on where we should start. He said that "It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again. And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies. They are Americans."

He is not wrong. Our need to unite together is something that must happen, if we are all going to survive. At the conclusion of this 2020 election season however, it’s looking like there are 25 Blue States and 25 Red States. That makes me think that it’s going to be a really hard task to find common ground, when we are that divided.

We need to at least try.

Links relevant to this article…

List Of Movies I've Seen And Liked From 2019

Out of all the movies I’ve seen that were released in 2019, I’ve seen 145 of them. That’s 17 less than in 2018, so I think I’m slacking a little bit. I may blame that to the switch overs from Moviepass (RIP), AMC Stubs A-List, Sinemia (RIP), and then finally to Regal Unlimited. In truth there are two reasons I’ve seen less movies, life reasons and laziness. Maybe it’s because there actually weren’t enough films for me to get excited to go to the movies for. Now with that said, to be fair, there were actually a lot of good films released in 2019, but not as many that I would consider great when compared to previous years. Either way, quality or not, I love going to the movies, so I’m sure I’ll get back that spark to see even more films in 2020.

Although 2019 is over, there are still “Oscar-bait” prestigious films that I haven’t seen yet at this time, like “Just Mercy,” “Clemency,” “Pain and Glory,” “Portrait Of A Lady On Fire,” “Harriet,” “I Lost My Body,” “The Laundromat,” “The Last Black Man In San Francisco,” and several more. Some of those were either because they were only playing in limited locations that were inconvenient for me to get to, or I just couldn’t find the time to watch them on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. That brings me to another point, I’m loving the fact that there are more and more prestigious films being released online; and ON PURPOSE and not some bootleg! How great is that?


As for this list below, I’m only sharing 80 titles out of those 145 I’ve seen. The top 75 are movies that I gave a grade of either B, B+, A-, or an A (no A pluses this year). So I either “Enjoyed It” or “Loved It,” as I normally would grade them on my no-spoilers “isawthatmovie” blog. The other 5 listed after that 75, are the movies that I do not recommend seeing. Don’t see it as me completely saying they are horrible films that should never be made or are just a waste of time, but me saying…

Alright, here’s the big list of movies released in 2019 that I recommend checking out. Not necessarily based on film making qualities, but more on the “would I watch X movie over X movie as opposed to X movie.” It’s a subjective list, so don’t take some of the positions personally. Click on the hyperlink and read what I said, to get an idea on what I thought of the movie.

  1. Knives Out 

  2. Parasite (Gisaengchung) 

  3. Marriage Story 

  4. Jojo Rabbit 

  5. Toy Story 4 

  6. Avengers Endgame 

  7. Spider-Man Far From Home 

  8. Doctor Sleep 

  9. The Farewell 

  10. Good Boys 

  11. Klaus 

  12. John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum 

  13. Uncut Gems 

  14. Apollo 11 

  15. The Kid Who Would Be King 

  16. Ford v Ferrari 

  17. Alita : Battle Angel 

  18. Shazam 

  19. Captain Marvel 

  20. Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker 

  21. Booksmart 

  22. Frozen II 

  23. Abominable 

  24. Cold Pursuit 

  25. Furie 

  26. Little Women 

  27. Us 

  28. 1917 

  29. Dora and the Lost City Of Gold 

  30. The Lighthouse 

  31. Hobbs & Shaw 

  32. Always Be My Maybe 

  33. Jumanji The Next Level 

  34. The Two Popes 

  35. Midsommar 

  36. The Lego Movie 2 : The Second Part 

  37. Zombieland 2 

  38. Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 

  39. Ready Or Not 

  40. Dolemite Is My Name 

  41. Missing Link 

  42. Rocketman 

  43. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 

  44. The Dead Don’t Die 

  45. Aladdin 

  46. Fighting With My Family 

  47. Joker 

  48. Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark 

  49. Pokemon Detective Pikachu 

  50. Hustlers 

  51. The Amazing Johnathan Documentary 

  52. Where’d You Go Bernadette? 

  53. Brittany Runs A Marathon 

  54. Terminator Dark Fate 

  55. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood 

  56. Dark Waters 

  57. First Love (Hatsukoi) 

  58. A Dog’s Journey 

  59. It Chapter Two 

  60. Happy Death Day 2U 

  61. Honey Boy 

  62. Judy 

  63. Blinded By The Light 

  64. Long Shot 

  65. Annabelle Comes Home 

  66. Official Secrets 

  67. Villains 

  68. Yesterday 

  69. Waves 

  70. The Report 

  71. The Irishman 

  72. Ad Astra 

  73. Crawl 

  74. Freaks 

  75. A Hidden Life 

Okay, don’t take it personally, but here are the bottom 5 movies on my list…

141. Black Christmas 

142. Cats 

143. Men In Black International 

144. Rambo: Last Blood 

145. Captive State

Until 2020. Remember to watch all different kinds of movies, and not just the blockbusters. Support cinema. There are original films out there worth checking out.

Quick Update

Hello. If you've somehow wondered why I haven't been providing content every day to this website like I used to, there are three reasons...

1) I've gotten lazier.
2) I've lost my appetite (again) in writing my no-spoilers movie reviews. I actually have well over a dozen movies I have yet to write reviews on as it is.
3) I'm giving myself more days off from #whowhatwhereswhy

In fact, episode 254 of the Stuff & Junk show, and the most recent comic strip, might be the only content released this week (the week of this post). I'm also only 37 percent sure that I'll be able to watch and do a review of Rambo Last Blood or Ad Astra before the end of their opening weekend, like I normally expect myself to be able to do. I'm at least pretty sure Decafzzz will do the next comic strip for Sunday's release.

With that said, I apologise. It might be that there's just a lack of incentives and motivation for me to work on this site every day like I used to. I suppose that's what happens when you do work for free. I might accept this as the new normal, but maybe not. Either way, whowhatwhereswhy is not going away. It's just not going to be as active as it used to be.

Or will it?