As a kid’s action adventure movie, it makes a lot of good decisions to keep things fun.
The set pieces littered throughout the story were all perfectly entertaining, and constantly kept me engaged and invested with where the narrative was taking me.
It’s sense of humor is actually something both kids and adults can equally enjoy. I know I laughed more times than I thought I ever would for this.
I especially loved the running jokes in this movie. There’s one involving Joe Manganiello that just cracks me up.
Overall cast is good in this, but huge shout out to Ken Marino, Maxwell Simkins, and Cree Cicchino, for specifically being the comedy reliefs in this movie.
Appreciated the family friendly tone and familiar yet comfortable plot, that kept me entertained throughout.
There’s a bit of self-awareness found with the characters, jokes, and references, that helped me easily accept the movie for what it is.
Premise and plot-wise, it’s not doing anything extraordinary, or unpredictable.
Comedy is subjective. Kid comedies even more so. Hope you can still find fun watching this.
Logic-wise, there’s a lot of plot flaws you’re going to just need to ignore, lest it ruins your experience watching this.
loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible