Words on Bathroom Walls


  • Premise of the story hooks you in, and easily encourages you to see where it’s going to go.

  • Voice over monologues. Breaking the fourth wall voice over monologues. Lots of good ones in that department here.

  • How this movie visualizes schizophrenia is just spot on for this film.

  • The pacing. The editing. The stylistic flairs. Solid stuff.

  • Charlie Plummer as Adam is very excellent in this. Charmingly awkward, and emotional, in all the right ways.

  • Taylor Russell as Maya is great. Cool and confident, the chemistry she shares with Charlie Plummer is fantastic.

  • Got to give a special mention to AnnaSophia Robb as Rebecca, Lobo Sebastian as the Bodyguard, and Devon Bostick as Joaquin. This wouldn’t be as entertaining to watch without them.

  • Supporting cast is good too, from Molly Parker, Walton Goggins, Beth Grant, and Andy Garcia.

  • Easily one of the best things about this movie are the confessionals Adam has with Father Patrick. I look forward to them.

  • That fire at the Catholic School Nun’s office is quite the sight too. This movie knows how to have fun with itself.

  • Final act will push your buttons to see how far you are still invested with the plot progression. I for one was completely with it all the way to the final frame of the movie.

  • I loved loved loved the thematic core of this story. This isn’t really just about schizophrenia. This has an important message to share with everyone watching.


  • Some predictable plot cliches, and tropes.

  • Story does opt for some conveniences with it’s overall narrative.

LOVED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Words on Bathroom Walls - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Hunter Hunter


  • Could you live a life and raise a family in the remote wilderness as fur trappers? It’s a solid set up for the setting and characters…

  • …then the story goes places. There’s a creepy ominous suspenseful dread with the narrative, which keeps it a bit more interesting.

  • MVP goes to Camille Sullivan as Anne. You immediately understand where her mind is throughout this film, and that’s all thanks to her performance.

  • One of the best parts of this movie are the scenes with Gabriel Daniels. In fact, the whole rangers subplot in general was enjoyable to watch.

  • Good supporting cast, from Devon Sawa, Summer H. Howell, Lauren Cochrane, and Nick Stahl.

  • I’ll give Writer-Director Shawn Linden this. He knows how to just grab your attention with that ending. I know that’s all everybody seems to want to talk about.

  • It may not be the point of this movie, but it thoroughly convinced me to not want to ever live in the woods. So I’ll put that in the win column. Oh, there’s a commentary against city folks too, so take that for what you will.


  • Deliberately has a slow burn of a pace, and doesn’t really get going until at least 20 minutes into it. Heck, some will argue that it doesn’t really get going until at least an hour into it.

  • It’s being talked about like a horror film, but it’s definitely not that in the typical sense.

  • One of the characters makes a very questionable decision which just seems so stupid, and kills some of that suspension of disbelief for the rest of the story.

  • I would say that there are several questionable plot decisions that made me shake my head in disapproval.

  • There’s a mean streak to this movie that I didn’t particularly care for.

  • I know Animal lovers will hate this film.

  • Speaking of hate. The plot progression left me more frustrated and angry than I’d prefer to be.

loveditenjoyeditlikedit IT’S OKAY itsmehitsterrible

Hunter Hunter - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND

Never Rarely Sometimes Always


  • Simple premise and all, however not to be too cliche in saying this, but it's a very essential story that needs to be told. Educational even.

  • As far as moody teenagers goes, Sidney Flanigan plays her perfectly. She however excels at giving us some subdued acting that resonates the thoughts and emotions her character Autumn is having.

  • Talia Ryder is also excellent as Skylar, showing a confidence and strength in her role that is just perfect for her character.

  • The chemistry between Autumn and Skylar is easily one of the greatest strengths of this film.

  • Certain scenes are effectively hard to watch.

  • One extended scene in particular felt like the most important sequence in this film, and contains the meaning behind the title of the movie.

  • There's a very specific voice and point of view that dictates the story of this movie. I may not necessarily always agree with it, but I appreciate what is being presented to me.

  • New York. I liked the way this movie showcased the city. Felt real and not glamorized.


  • A little slow moving. Meanders quite a bit.

  • There are some aspects of this movie that's way too on the nose for my taste.

  • Subject matter may not be to everyone's interest.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Never Rarely Sometimes Always - watch it on HBO MAX

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom


  • Director George C. Wolfe does a great job translating the stage play into this dynamic narrative that takes place in one building.

  • One of the biggest reasons to watch this movie are for the stories. This is filled with numerous scenes of characters with stories to tell. No visual cut aways or anything like that. You literally just listen to what the actors are monologuing, and it’s enough to get your attention.

  • Chadwick Boseman is phenomenal in this! What a performance that completely owns the movie.

  • Viola Davis is magnificent as Ma Rainey. She commands her scenes like no other.

  • Supporting cast are also excellent here. Colman Domingo, Glynn Turman, Michael Potts, Taylour Paige, Dusan Brown, Jeremy Shamos, and Jonathan Coyne.

  • Thematically covers a lot of ground about racism, sexual identity, independence, relevance, ambition, religion, history, plus more.

  • Fascinating to see how recording music was like in the 1920’s. About 100 Years ago.

  • Needless to say, the songs were fantastic.


  • Premise isn’t going to catch everybody’s attention.

  • Can be accused of it meandering, or being boring.

  • The diva attitude of Ma Rainey can be off putting.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom - watch it on NETFLIX



  • Opening scene starts out this movie in an explosively fascinating manner, that carries over for the rest of the movie.

  • Love the inappropriate sense of humor, especially considering the undeniably morbid premise that should be straight out of a horror movie.

  • The cleverly written dialogue and banter just kept me entertained over and over again.

  • So many pop culture references; especially about movies. I dig that.

  • It’s not all just jokes and giggles, as it still showcases some strong emotional drama.

  • There’s an underlying theme on social political commentaries, teenage anxieties, and helplessness about the world they live in.

  • Katherine Langford in the lead as Mara is so excellent in this. It’s hard not to be invested with her plot progression.

  • The romance she shares with Charlie Plummer as Dylan is great and charming as heck. Their chemistry together and the way the movie handles their love story works really well.

  • Supporting cast is solid, with Hayley Law, Rob Huebel, Piper Perabo, Yvonne Orji, and more.

  • Fourth wall breaking flashback montage, plus that other montage sequence with Tampa’s cover of “Bye Bye Love.”

  • About those stick figure people on the car window…

  • Excellent soundtrack.


  • Can easily be accused of being too hipster clever precious and full of itself.

  • Seriously, an Ice Cream Truck?

  • There’s a tonal shift, that might seem like it’s ruining the fun.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Spontaneous - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Fans of horror, scary, and slasher films, should greatly appreciate the premise of this film.

  • Right from the opening scene, this movie immediately embraces the fact it's all-in with showing bloody horrific violence. Awesome.

  • The death scenes are spectacular.

  • Speaking of which. I know we shouldn’t root for death, but there’s a series of murders in this that I was absolutely looking forward to seeing.

  • It’s comedic sensibilities, humorous dialogue, and self-awareness gags, only makes this movie even more entertaining.

  • Themes surrounding gender dynamics and identity actually works well with this story and it’s sense of humor.

  • Watching Kathryn Newton act like a cold-hearted killer, and Vince Vaughn acting like a teenage girl, is undoubtedly one of the main reasons to see this movie, and it is so very enjoyable to see.

  • The supporting cast added to the movie too, like Misha Osherovich, Celeste O’Connor, Alan Ruck, Dana Drori, Katie Finneran, Uriah Shelton, plus more.

  • Excellent pacing, set-up scenes, plot reveals, and soundtrack. This movie is firing on all the right cylinders.

  • Has homages and easter eggs to different horror, scary, and slasher movies, that are fun to spot.


  • Some plot conveniences, and predictability.

  • Does that whole pretty actress pretending to play a character that's supposed to be unattractive and somehow nobody can see she's not an ugly girl at all stupid plot trope.

  • There is one scene; while it was nice for what it was, stops the movie dead in its tracks.

  • Then there’s this other scene that kinda got too dark for the general tone of the movie.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Freaky - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • The animated sequences are a nice acknowledgement to the story being rooted in the comic book superhero genre.

  • Kudos to Joe Manganiello for completely throwing himself into the role of Max Fist, plus all that monologue and jargon that the script gets to make him say.

  • I generally liked the idea of this Max Fist character, and the premise surrounding him in the movie. It is undoubtedly the main reason to see this.

  • Fun winks and nods to several comic book superhero tropes.

  • Has some nice little special effects thrown in on occasion.

  • That scene with Paul Scheer as Krieg was something.

  • May as well give this a try, if you like those gritty comic book superhero flicks, which this move wholeheartedly embraces.


  • It can be kinda boring and uninteresting more times than it should be.

  • Pacing could be faster.

  • There are some stupid parts, pretentious parts, and uninspired parts, as well.

  • Kinda wished this had a bigger production budget to match the ambitions of the story.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Archenemy - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Opening sequence was incredible and exciting. Definitely cinematic. The rest of the movie follows suit.

  • Heists. Heists. More Heists. If you like that, then you might like this.

  • There are many ambitious and inventive action sequences, that are quite fantastic to watch.

  • Fantastic ensemble cast here. John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Kenneth Branagh, Dimple Kapadia, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Himesh Patel, and more!

  • Looking past all that exposition in the dialogue, I did like the clever lines the characters get to say.

  • Visualization of the “time gimmick” in this story, is infinitely fascinating and entertaining to watch.

  • Halfway through the movie, I was all “Christopher Nolan, you are a mad, crazy, genius!”

  • The theme of the movie is actually a lot simpler and more profound than I expected it to be.


  • There's an exposition scene near the beginning of the movie that establishes the film's premise. If you don't understand what was explained there, you may as well stop watching.

  • Speaking of which, I hope you can put up with all the exposition tossed at you. There’s a lot!

  • It's easy to accuse this movie of being overly convoluted.

  • or having incomprehensible action beats.

  • Soundtrack can be a bit overbearing at times.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Tenet - watch it on VIDEO ON DEMAND



  • Loved the style of traditional animation, with a charming “flat” look for some scenes.

  • While the premise, themes, and lessons, have a familiar but comfortable feel to them, this movie still has fresh elements to offer.

  • Excellent storytelling here, that are adventurous, imaginative, and emotional.

  • How they visualise a wolf's senses looks incredible.

  • There are some montages and sequences throughout, that were just delightful to watch.

  • The second half of this movie in particular is absolutely fantastic! I was captivated, engaged, and completely all-in until the very end.

  • Lead characters Robyn Goodfellowe and Mebh Óg MacTíre; voiced by Honor Kneafsey and Eva Whittaker respectively, were just awesome! With their chemistry together being a cornerstone for the film’s appeal.

  • Plus, Sean Bean is in this, and we all know how good he is.


  • Plot conveniences.

  • Familiar tropes and cliches.

  • Just let her finish her sentence so she can explain!!!

LOVED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Wolfwalkers - watch it on APPLE TV+

I'm your woman


  • Opening act introduces us to an interesting premise and an unusual scenario. Fascinating.

  • Rachel Brosnahan is excellent playing Jean, a character who is clearly frustrated and confused by the situation that she is in.

  • Watching the plot progression and Jean's character arc is what should keep you hooked in seeing through the movie.

  • Some of the best scenes in this film involves Arinzé Kene as Cal, and the dialogue he has with Jean.

  • Then the addition of Marsha Stephanie Blake as Teri, and Frankie Faison as Art, only makes the movie better.

  • “I didn't know I could lie like that.” There are some good written lines in this.

  • I'll give this a lot of credit for not being your typical movie that involves the criminal underworld of mobs and gangsters. Yay! Fresh perspective.

  • Has a solid soundtrack.


  • You're going to need patience to see the story through, as the plot takes it’s time.

  • Meanders. Probably boring and aimless.

  • Baby cries a lot. Hope that doesn't bother you.

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

I’m you woman - watch it on PRIME VIDEO